• [ مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن ]: هنيئا لأختنا فاطمة عليليش "Tama Aliche" الفوز بالمركز الأول في مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن التي نظمت من قبل إذاعة جيجل الجهوية وتحت إشراف مديرية الشؤون الدينية والأوقاف لولاية جيجل. ونيابة عن كافة أعضاء وطاقم عمل منتدى اللمة الجزائرية نهنئك بهذا الفوز فألف ألف ألف مليوون مبروك هذا النجاح كما نتمنى لك المزيد من النجاحات والتوفيق وأن يكون هذا الإنجاز إلا بداية لإنجازات أكبر في المستقبل القريب بإذن الله. موضوع التهنئة

She will be free

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.


:: عضو منتسِب ::
23 مارس 2009
نقاط التفاعل

Palestinians are people just like anyone else; they love life and they work hard to achieve their dreams.
However these dreams are hard to accomplish, especially during these rough times. Palestinians live under the Israeli occupation; or rather, Israeli oppression. Israel commits innumerable unjust actions towards the Palestinians like demolishing their houses right over their heads while they are sleeping and not allowing them to reach their own lands that they worked so hard to preserve. While the Palestinians were forced to leave their homes, Israel made sure they would not and could not return by setting up electric fences and separating homes, towns, and cities. The Israeli government even went so far as to build the wall, which resulted in taking 70% of Palestinians’ land, cutting down thousands of trees, and the confiscation of thousands of acres of land from their rightful owners. More than 110 illegal settlements were built on Palestinian land; making it almost impossible for farmers- who do not own anything but the land that was taken from them- to make a living, let alone buy bread to feed their families.
Nowadays things are getting worse, mainly because of the numerous checkpoints that are put all around Palestine . A road trip that used to take 10-15 minutes now takes 1 hr or more, making it difficult for many Palestinians to receive medical help. There are hundreds of pregnant women that have delivered their children at the checkpoints, many of them dying. Additionally, many older people with fatal diseases and medical requirements died on these checkpoints, because the soldiers wouldn’t let them pass to reach the hospital in time; that is, of course, if they hadn’t shot the ambulance driver or passengers before they even reached the checkpoints. They say that checkpoints are for safety procedures, but in reality, they are another way Isreali’s torture Palestinians on a daily basis.
It doesn’t end there. Israeli soldiers make it a point to use their overwhelming power to humiliate Palestinians for their own amusement. They can turn something as simple as going to college to being a humiliating and embarrassing situation. For instance, on one occasion,12 students going to college on an ordinary day were stopped by Israeli soldiers who put guns to their heads and made them quack like chickens in front of hundreds of people!
But the most heartbreaking of all, is not being able to pray in one of the holiest and most important mosques in the world, Masjid Al-Aqsa. Passing the checkpoints on the border of Jerusalem (where Masjid Al-Aqsa is located), depends solely on the Israelis mood; if they don’t feel like letting you pass, you will NOT be able to pass even with all paper work and information needed. Al-Quds ( Jerusalem ) is now under the threat of falling because of the tunnels the Israeli soldiers dig under it.
Last but definitely not least, is the infamous siege on Gaza. Gaza’s borders are completely closed and controlled by Israel, leaving its people in an extreme state of poverty, as people live with little food, rarely have access to clean water, and have no electricity, resulting in diseases spreading, but no medical help. Gazans are stripped of all their rights; the right to live in peace and harmony, the right to go to school without being threatened to get shot, their right to choose the colleges they want to go to, and the education they want to have, their right to go on a family trip without being killed or bombed. Look at what happened to 11 year old Huda, her six siblings, and parents: they were all tragically killed while sitting on the beach to get away from the sounds of bullets and bombs, among them was an infant.
Despite all these tragic events and all the hardships that the Palestinians experience, they still keep their heads high, and they don’t give up loving their lives and making the best of situations. Being a Palestinian is not easy, you have to be patient when things get tough. You have to be strong and hold on to your hopes and dreams, despite struggling and suffering to live a normal life. It is an honor to be a Palestinian, especially when God has chosen the Palestinians out of all people and all nations to fight for their freedom and the holy land of Jerusalem . It was said, “Palestinians fight like heroes.” But now it is said, “Heroes fight like Palestinians.” This is my point of view; a former Al-Hikmah student now living in Palestine, hoping and praying that the reader of this article will get up and do something to help the Palestinians on their way to freedom Inshallah. I hope and pray this message will reach all Muslims across the world and I wish they would even pick up a pencil and fight with words, because Jerusalem is not only for Palestinians, but also for all Muslims. Palestine will be free, she will be free, she will be free inshallah
thank you nice of you to remained us of a topic which we sometimes forget about

God helps muslims all over the world inchallah................Thanks a lot sister

Palestinians are people just like anyone else; they love life

Palestine will be free, she will be free, she will
be free inshallah

.......that's true 100%

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.