République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Brevet d’Enseignement Moyen ( a suggested sample)
Matière: Anglais ( durée : 1h 30 )
Part 1 : ( 14 pts )
Read the text carefully then answer the questions .
When you eat , you should hold the knife firmly in one hand and the fork in the other .
You should cut your food with the knife . You should push the food onto your fork with the knife .You should put the food into your mouth with the fork and not with the knife .
You must chew food very slowly . You must keep your mouth closed while chewing . You must never speak while you have food in your mouth . You mustn’t put too much food in your mouth at a time . You must take small bites only .
You should put the napkin on your lap . When you have finished eating , you should wipe your mouth with your napkin and place it neatly on the plate . You should put your knife and fork together on the plate . You shouldn’t put them on the table cloth .
( from “ On The Move” p: 23 , by S.A . Arab and B. Riche )
A – Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
a- Match each statement with the corresponding paragraph ( 05 pts )
I am eating
I have just finished eating
I am going to eat
b- Lexis : ( 02 pts )=
1- Find in the text words , phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning
to the following .
to take = _____________ to put = _________________
2- Find in the text words , phrases or expressions that are opposite in meaning to the following .
quickly =/= ___________________ separately =/= _____________________
B- Grammar ( 07 pts )
a- Turn into the negative form .
- People must smoke while eating .
- People should speak when drinking .
- Muslims can drink and eat during the day , in Ramadhan .
- the children start eating before their parents
b – Combine the following statements to make a new one . Use the linkers between brackets .
- The boy is very hungry . He must chew food very slowly . ( although )
- People will not put on weight . They go on a diet . ( if )
c- Pronunciation
- Read the text and pick out words that have the sounds / ai / and /ei /
/ ai /
/ ei /
Part 2 : ( 06 pts )
One of your classmates is very fat .He / She is suffering from over weight . You are very sensitive to his / her problem .
- Talk to him /her.
- Put down notes about what you’re going to suggest as advice, .to help him / her lose weight .
- Write a leaflet containing recommendations for a healthy diet.
this criterion is achieved when the pupil’s production goes in accordance with the prescribed task.
The pupil does the work according to the instruction using the appropriate vocabulary
2-syntactic coherence:
this criterion is achieved when the pupil’s production respects the grammar rules and conventions set in the syllabus
Word order is correct. Sentences show correct cohesion.
The pupil writes/uses grammar appropriately within the situation of communication.
3-Semantic coherence:
this criterion is achieved when the pupil’s production is meaningful and related to the situation of communication
The sentences written or produced by the pupil deal the same subject matter. The pupil shows a logical development and uses cohesive devices
*The Perfection criterion is to be introduced by the academic year 2008.
Ministère de l’ Education Nationale
Matière: Anglais ( durée : 1h 30 )
Part 1 : ( 14 pts )
Read the text carefully then answer the questions .
When you eat , you should hold the knife firmly in one hand and the fork in the other .
You should cut your food with the knife . You should push the food onto your fork with the knife .You should put the food into your mouth with the fork and not with the knife .
You must chew food very slowly . You must keep your mouth closed while chewing . You must never speak while you have food in your mouth . You mustn’t put too much food in your mouth at a time . You must take small bites only .
You should put the napkin on your lap . When you have finished eating , you should wipe your mouth with your napkin and place it neatly on the plate . You should put your knife and fork together on the plate . You shouldn’t put them on the table cloth .
( from “ On The Move” p: 23 , by S.A . Arab and B. Riche )
A – Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
a- Match each statement with the corresponding paragraph ( 05 pts )
I am eating
I have just finished eating
I am going to eat
b- Lexis : ( 02 pts )=
1- Find in the text words , phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning
to the following .
to take = _____________ to put = _________________
2- Find in the text words , phrases or expressions that are opposite in meaning to the following .
quickly =/= ___________________ separately =/= _____________________
B- Grammar ( 07 pts )
a- Turn into the negative form .
- People must smoke while eating .
- People should speak when drinking .
- Muslims can drink and eat during the day , in Ramadhan .
- the children start eating before their parents
b – Combine the following statements to make a new one . Use the linkers between brackets .
- The boy is very hungry . He must chew food very slowly . ( although )
- People will not put on weight . They go on a diet . ( if )
- Read the text and pick out words that have the sounds / ai / and /ei /
/ ai /
/ ei /
Part 2 : ( 06 pts )
One of your classmates is very fat .He / She is suffering from over weight . You are very sensitive to his / her problem .
- Talk to him /her.
- Put down notes about what you’re going to suggest as advice, .to help him / her lose weight .
- Write a leaflet containing recommendations for a healthy diet.
Criteria of evaluation
Partial Mastery
No Mastery
this criterion is achieved when the pupil’s production goes in accordance with the prescribed task.
The pupil does the work according to the instruction using the appropriate vocabulary
this criterion is achieved when the pupil’s production respects the grammar rules and conventions set in the syllabus
Word order is correct. Sentences show correct cohesion.
The pupil writes/uses grammar appropriately within the situation of communication.
this criterion is achieved when the pupil’s production is meaningful and related to the situation of communication
The sentences written or produced by the pupil deal the same subject matter. The pupil shows a logical development and uses cohesive devices
*The Perfection criterion is to be introduced by the academic year 2008.