My Philosophy: Music and You

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.

معسكر الملوك

:: عضو منتسِب ::
26 جويلية 2007
نقاط التفاعل
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ...

فيما يلي تجدون أولى كتاباتي في منتدى اللمة فأرجو أن تنال إعجابكم ...
لقد وددت أن أسند الموضوع إالى منتدىً للحوار غير أني لم أجد مثل هذا المنتدى فإرتئيت أن أضع الموضوع هنا، و أنا أريد سماع آرائكم بخصوص الموضوع بعد قرائته طبعا ...

ملاحظة: قد أحاول في المستقبل إصدار نسخة عربية من الموضوع مع العلم أنه قد يخضع للإضافة أو التعديل في أي وقت ...

Music vs. You

Series: My Philosophy
Written by: Muasker of Kings

You sure all know how the case of music is a controversial one in the religion of Islam, and for some time now I've been pondering for reasons why music could be forbidden, this is what I came up with. In my opinion, music is but an equi'valent to drugs. It consumes your whole feelings and essence, tickles all the wrong nerves, next thing you know , you become a hollow puppet without feelings...

People nowadays listen to music at all occasions. They listen to music when they're sad, when they're happy , and some take it as far as to listen to music even when they're angry!!! Claiming, that it helps them calm down, relax ... and/or escape the bitterness of their lives. Some, maybe aware that what music really does, is that it takes that one feeling you're targeting and it magnifies it many more times, rendering the human body to an unstable excited state for a very short period of time, wearying both body and mind. What happens next, is that your self consciousness becomes numb to the music and to that particular feeling itself.As time goes by, you are bond to realize the pitiful truth, that you no longer can be happy, sad, or even angry without the music.

Still even worse, once you create that state of instability and the music manges to take its toll on you. Your logic and the the way you think will automatically start to decline and so will your average performance in life. For your essence will no longer be present in the real world. Instead you'll be left lingering in a world much more like that of drug addicts, and to emphasize that "drug addicts" analogy, you should know that quiting music is no easy matter either*. It requires dedication and self-acknowledgment to the severity of the situation.

some might say that it's impossible not to listen to music. "Music is everywhere!" They would say. My advice to you is to keep music to a minimum in your life and never to listen to it with your own will.
Pay heed, that when I say music, I mean all kinds of music. From A to Z - and yes, including those that start with numbers ... :roll eyes: - . So in conclusion, word of the wise: " Stay sober, stay real! ".

...* I guarantee you that for some people, where they not to hear music, they'll start itching ... !!l

P.S. Please don't read this article unless you're fully sober

Now, what is your philosophy?!l:sun:

ما هذا، ماهذا؟! لقد مر يومان على بداية طرح الموضوع و لا يوجد حتى رد واحد؟

أليس لأخوتي في اللمة رأي في الموضوع؟ :x
Sorry bro :(

i thank u a lot

it`s a nice topic u have chosen

go ahead:yes:​
|-)i will tell u my philosophy later
Alright! I'll be waiting for your reply then. But please do take your time to think ...
And thanks in advance for participating ! |-)

my philosophy

and i wanna to thank you for showing and exposing your philosophy and what does the music represent for you in my stand point i think that everybody has cerain principles and some basis and for me idon't think that music is so worse and has all these influences on the human being and the case is that what kind of music deos the person listen to .... and i guess it's affair of taste ,finally i find a person who has deep thought
First of all, I want to thank you for your warm-full compliment and I applaud the courageous spirit in you that let you stand up and express your opinion in this matter.

In response I want to clarify that the effects I was referring to are more related to the general biological composition of a human rather than his psychological one, so that the threat is applicable to all, regardless of their various distinctive personalities.

Also, no one can deny the fact that music is a temptation to the soul and body but as with many other things we have to struggle to stay away from these temptations. And after all struggle is what we were born to do in this life ...

With regards,
Muasker of Kings

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