please help me..... .thank u

طيور الجنة21

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أحباب اللمة
8 جويلية 2008
نقاط التفاعل
نقاط الجوائز
i study at university , first year english and as u know we will do tests soon .so i need u to give me types of tests because i don't know how it will be .
please help me .thank u very much
Don’ worry about this, just you have to revise well your lessons and anything will be right, teachers never put tests beyond the level of their students, and comparing to a first year student’s level your are rather good, so don’t stress and work a lot,
Wishing you all the best
i study at university , first year French LMD and as u know we will do tests soon .so i need u to give me types of tests because i don't know how it will be .
please help me .thank u very much
I'm English univ student first year too
nice to meet u honey
me too i have no idea about how the tests will be
but i'm not worrying about it for it will be easy
as HIGH HOPE had said
teachers never put tests beyond the level of their students

that's right i agree with him
and really i'm so glad cause i find a student as me
shall we become friends ??

take care n peace
Hi, i studied English at the university
and i think that they will give you what you 'v studied
they generally ask in grammar about articles
oral expressions you may have 2 tests oral and written one... this what i remember... good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everybody, first, there's no one who could give you examples of how your tests will be because each teacher has his own way of organizing a test or an exam, I remember that my teacher of grammar on first year gave us series of direct question, some of theme was really simple and easy but others were a real dilemma. but my teacher on grammar on my seconde year liked to give us texts with related questions, for a mere example, find all the adverbs on the text? on what tense this sentence is expressed?... etc

So brothers and sisters don't worry about how your exams will be and revise very very well, there is nothing of sorcery to pass one's exames, just have a highhhhhhh attitude
best wishes
Don’ worry about this, just you have to revise well your lessons and anything will be right, teachers never put tests beyond the level of their students, and comparing to a first year student’s level your are rather good, so don’t stress and work a lot,
Wishing you all the best

A thank you
I'm really happy now because you explained to me the situation for the exams

I'm English univ student first year too
nice to meet u honey
me too i have no idea about how the tests will be
but i'm not worrying about it for it will be easy
as HIGH HOPE had said
teachers never put tests beyond the level of their students

that's right i agree with him
and really i'm so glad cause i find a student as me
shall we become friends ??

take care n peace
I am very happy to get to know you and especially you first year at least help each other
nice to meet you sis
I'm from the University of Constantine Mentouri

Hi, i studied English at the university
and i think that they will give you what you 'v studied
they generally ask in grammar about articles
oral expressions you may have 2 tests oral and written one... this what i remember... good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much and God bless you my sister
Hey everybody, first, there's no one who could give you examples of how your tests will be because each teacher has his own way of organizing a test or an exam, I remember that my teacher of grammar on first year gave us series of direct question, some of theme was really simple and easy but others were a real dilemma. but my teacher on grammar on my seconde year liked to give us texts with related questions, for a mere example, find all the adverbs on the text? on what tense this sentence is expressed?... etc

So brothers and sisters don't worry about how your exams will be and revise very very well, there is nothing of sorcery to pass one's exames, just have a highhhhhhh attitude
best wishes
God bless you and enabling you in your life
A million thanks to you


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