• [ مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن ]: هنيئا لأختنا فاطمة عليليش "Tama Aliche" الفوز بالمركز الأول في مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن التي نظمت من قبل إذاعة جيجل الجهوية وتحت إشراف مديرية الشؤون الدينية والأوقاف لولاية جيجل. ونيابة عن كافة أعضاء وطاقم عمل منتدى اللمة الجزائرية نهنئك بهذا الفوز فألف ألف ألف مليوون مبروك هذا النجاح كما نتمنى لك المزيد من النجاحات والتوفيق وأن يكون هذا الإنجاز إلا بداية لإنجازات أكبر في المستقبل القريب بإذن الله. موضوع التهنئة

speaking arabic in english teaching classes


:: عضو مُشارك ::
6 أوت 2010
نقاط التفاعل
teaching english as a foreign language in algeria in general is abit difficult and hard because of many reasons .our native language is arabic and the first foreign language is french hence we find most of offices use it during many decades..english seems to many learners that it s hard and difficult in teaching. Many parents say the opposite .many colleagues teachers use arabic words and sometimes fench ones inorder to facilitate and cut his way in explaining and stop his fatigues...m so sorry my colleagues this is meaningless teaching and doomed with failure .i know that you will not agree with me but try to use visual aids instead of speaking arabic during vocabulary lessons and reading ones too.try to do your best and let your pupils find diffuculties in understanding you at the beginning and then they will understand you by repeatation
I remember my English teachers used to say that we
should not keep doing that while learning the language
It is really a matter of giving your students the opportunity to become autonomous

Of course they will have difficulty at first
but by providing the 'easy' solution they will never need to really try to distance themselves from their first language and welcome a foreign one when in class
There is also the risk of confusing them even more and losing their attention by the end of the lesson. Students who really want to learn will accept the challenge and will feel motivated to succeed when they see that they are actually learning something new

thank you sir for this important topics
well i agree with you in this when the teachers explain using arabic or french
most of them do that , but like you said that they must understand by repetition it's helpfull
but i think too that the students understand their teachers from the General meaning of the speaker it's hulpfull too , after that he'll unerstand what does he mean without explanation.
آخر تعديل:
teaching english as a foreign language in algeria in general is abit difficult and hard because of many reasons .our native language is arabic and the first foreign language is french hence we find most of offices use it during many decades..english seems to many learners that it s hard and difficult in teaching. Many parents say the opposite .many colleagues teachers use arabic words and sometimes fench ones inorder to facilitate and cut his way in explaining and stop his fatigues...m so sorry my colleagues this is meaningless teaching and doomed with failure .i know that you will not agree with me but try to use visual aids instead of speaking arabic during vocabulary lessons and reading ones too.try to do your best and let your pupils find diffuculties in understanding you at the beginning and then they will understand you by repeatation

Of cource i disgree this way in our schools
I personally tomorrow for what became a english teacher of language speak the language purely in order to let the students improve their level in order to understand me ... I do not speak to them in Arabic to stay at the same level

God bless you
You finest greetings

hi and hello to every one

i hope that all the teachers will keep away and take care of their pupils attention
nice itopic that you put
yeah the majority of our nglish teachers speak
the Arabic to show the language
to puiples
i remember we did that in Cem
in high school we only use the english

nice itopic that you put
yeah the majority of our nglish teachers speak
the Arabic to show the language
to puiples
i remember we did that in Cem

in high school we only use the english
this is a great bproblem because the teacher don t like to give more effort to their teaching