A serious question has always been asked by most of our pupils.Sir when we would be able to speak English fleuntly.Moreover how can we write correct sentences without any minimal mistakes...This is really a hard problem we are facing it in our schools. Every two or three years the programme change and the teachers find difficulties in teaching it at the beginning.So our pupils are victims with a great sorrow and anger and sadness . We would accept this situation whatever is it or it is.My colleagues always like to teach 1AM or 2AM classes in order to be at ease and will not use any effort . At the end of the school year you find them telling and asking the headmaster to give them the 1AM or 2AM and not 4AM classes because they hate teaching such kind of level and not be responsible for the BEM Results at the end of the school year .They also don t like to do their best in preparing and teaching lessons in classes..so i tell this teachers ..a God fearing teacher teaches and does his best and sure and certain their pupils will respect them .The pupils even they are young they can descriminate between weak and active and faithfull teachers ..so we ask God to help every one who is honest and faith to his religion and work and to his nation and country...