- إنضم
- 14 نوفمبر 2007
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- 1,038
- نقاط التفاعل
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- النقاط
- 36
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- 38
********TRANSLATION OR HOW TO SAY ITAfrikaansEk het jou liefeAfrikaansEk is ief vir jouAlsacienIch hoan dich gearAmharicAfekrishalehouArabicAna Behibak (to a male)
Ana Behibek (to a female)
Ib'n hebbak
Ana Ba-heb- bak
OHIBOKE (male to female)
OHIBOKA (female to male)
OHIBOKOMA (male or female to two males or two females)
NOHIBOKE (more than one male or female to female)
NOHIBOKA (m.t.o.m. or f. to male)
NOHIBOKOMA (m.t.o.m. or f. to two males or two females)
NOHIBOKOM (m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two males)
NOHIBOKON (m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two females)(not standard)
BAHIBAK (female to male)
BAHIBIK (male to female)
BENHIBAK (more than one male or female to male)
BENHIBIK (m.t.o.m. or f. to female)
BENHIBKOM (m.t.o.m. or f. to more than one male) AssameseMoi tomak bhal pauAustrianI hob di gern, oide - spoken to a woman
I hob di gern, oida - spoken to a manAzerbaijani Men seni seviremBascNere MaiteaBatakHolong rohangku di hoBavarianI mog di narrisch gernBengaliAmi toomay bhalobashi
Ami tomake bhalobashiBerberLakh tirikhBicolNamumutan ta kaBolivian QuechuaQanta munaniBulgarianObicham teBurmeseChit pa deCambodianBon sro lanh oonCanadian FrenchSh'teme (spoken, sounds like this)CantoneseNgo oi neyCatalanT'estim (mallorcan)
T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
T'estime (Valencian)
T'estimo (catalonian)CebuanoGihigugma ko ikawChickasawChiholloli (first "i" nasalized)ChineseWo ie niCorsicanTi tengu cara (to female)
Ti tengu caru (to male)CroatioanLJUBim teCzechMiluji te
Miluju te! (colloquial form)DanishJeg elsker digDutchIk hou van jou
Ikben verliefd op jeEcuador QuechuaCanda munaniEnglishI love youEsperantoMi amas vinEstonianMina armastan sind
Ma armastan sindFarsi (Persian)Tora dust midaram
Doostat daramFilipinoMahal ka ta
Iniibig KitaFinnishMina" rakastan sinuaFlemishIk zie oe geerneFrenchJe t'aimeFriesianIk hald fan deiGaelicTa gra agam ortGermanIch liebe dichGreekS'agapoGreek (old)(Ego) hilo su (ego is only needed for emphasis)GujratiHoontane pyar karoochhoonHausaIna sonkiHebrewAni ohev otach (male to female)
Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)HindiMai tumse pyar karta hoon (male to female)
Mai tumse pyar karti hoon (female to male)HokkienWa ai luHopiNu' umi unangwa'taHungarianSzereklek
Szeretlek te'gedIcelandicEg elska thigIndonesianEg elska thig
Saja kasih saudari
Saya Cinta Kamu
Saya cinta padamu
Aku cinta padamuIrishTaim i' ngra leatItalianTi amo (if it's relationship/lover/spouse
Ti voglio bene (if it's a friend, or a relative)JapaneseKimi o ai shiteru
Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasuJavanesekulo tresnoKannadaNaanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene
Naanu ninnanu mohisutheneKiswahiliNakupendaKlingonQabang
Qaparha' (depends wherein teh galaxy you are)KoreanTangsinul sarang ha yo
Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
No-rul sarang hae (male to female in a casual relationship)
Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo
Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (I like you, in a romantic way)KurdishEz te hezdikhem (?)LaoKoi muk jaoLatinTe amo
Vos amoLatin (old)(Ego) te amo (ego, for emphasis)LatvianEs milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")LingalaNalingi yoLisbon LingoGramo-te bue', chavalinhaLithuanianTave Myliu (ta-ve mee-lyuLojbanMi do pramiLuoAheriMacedonianSakam te!Madrid LingoMe molas, troncaMalaySaya cintamu
Saya sayangmuMalay/IndonesianAku sayang enkow
Sayah Chantikan awahMalayalamNjyaan ninne' preetikyunnu
Njyaan Ninne' MohikyunnuMandarinWo ei niMarathiMe tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
Me tujhashi premkarte (female to male)MowawkKonoronhkwaNorwegianEg elskar deg (Nynorsk)
Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (Pronouncdeyai elske dai)OsetianAez dae warzynPersianTora dost daramPolishKocham cie
Jacie kochamPortugueseAmo- tePortuguese (Brazilian)Eu te amoPunjabiMai taunu piyar karna (male to female)
Mai taunu piyar kardi (female to male)RomanianTe iu bescRussianYa vas liubliu
Ya liubliu tebia
Ya tebia liubliu
Ya polubeel tebyaScot Gaelictha gra/dh agam ortSerbianLubime teSerbocroatianVolim teShonaNdinokudaSinhaleseMama Oyata adaveiMama oyata adareiSiouxTechihhilaSlovakLubim taSloveneLjubim teSpanishTe quiero
TeamoSri LankanMama Oyata ArderyiSwahiliNaku penda (follwoed by person's name)SwedishJag a"lskar digSwiss GermanCh'ha di ga"rnSyrian/LebanesBhebbek (to a female)
Bhebbak (to male)TagalogMahal kitaTamilNee ennay kadhalikriya (Do you love me?)
Naan unnay kadhalikkiren(i love you)
Naan unnai virumpuren (I love you, very much)TchequeMiluji te^Telugu/IndiaNenu Ninnu premistunnanuThaiCh'an rak khun
Phom rak khunTunisianHa eh bakTurkishSeni seviyorum UkrainianJa tebe kokhaju (real true love)
Ja vaskhkhaju
Ja pokokhav tebe
Ja pokokhav vasUrduMujhe tumse mohabbat haiVietnameseEm ye^u anh (female to male)
Anh ye^n em (male to female)
Toi yeu emVlaamsIk kue van yeVulcanWani ra yana ro aishaWelsh'Rwy'n dy garu di
Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)YiddishIch libe dich
Ichhan dich libYoguslavianYa te volimZaziExhele hezdege (sp?)ZuniTom ho' ichemaZuluNgiyakuthanda!
Explanation of ********s
AfrikaansPeople of Dutch heritage in South AfricaAlsacienFrench/German dialect (live in France, but speak like German)Assamese******** spoken in the state of Asam, IndiaBatakNorth Sumatra province of IndonesiaBavarianSouthern state of Germany (actually a German dialect)Bengali******** spoken in the stateof West Bengal, India and BangladeshBicolPhilipin dialectCebuano******** spoken in Philipino near the town of CebuFriesianSpoken in Northern Holland, Northern Germany & West coast of DenmarkGaelicIrishGujrati******** spoken in the state of Gujrat, IndiaHindi******** spoken in the Norther states of IndiaHopiNorth American Indian Tribe (Southwest may be?)Kannada******** of Karnataka state, IndiaKlingonSpoken in Star TrekLuoKenyaMalayalam******** of Kerala state, IndiaMarathi******** of Maharashtra state, IndiaMohawkNorth American Indian tribe (New England, may be one of the Seven Nations/Iriquois)NavahoNorth American Indian tribe (southwest)NdebeleZimbabwePunjabiNorthern IndiaQuechuaQuecha is a Mayan ********ShonaZimbabweSinhalese******** of the non- Tamil (majority) people of Sri LankaSiouxNorth American Indian tribe from teh upper midwestTagalogFilipino ********Tamil******** spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu, India and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, mauritiusTeluguSoutheastern state of Inida (11th most spoken ******** in the world)Urdu******** spoken in PakistanVlaamsBelgian DutchVulcan******** spoken in Star TrekZaziKurdic dialect
Ana Behibek (to a female)
Ib'n hebbak
Ana Ba-heb- bak
OHIBOKE (male to female)
OHIBOKA (female to male)
OHIBOKOMA (male or female to two males or two females)
NOHIBOKE (more than one male or female to female)
NOHIBOKA (m.t.o.m. or f. to male)
NOHIBOKOMA (m.t.o.m. or f. to two males or two females)
NOHIBOKOM (m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two males)
NOHIBOKON (m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two females)(not standard)
BAHIBAK (female to male)
BAHIBIK (male to female)
BENHIBAK (more than one male or female to male)
BENHIBIK (m.t.o.m. or f. to female)
BENHIBKOM (m.t.o.m. or f. to more than one male) AssameseMoi tomak bhal pauAustrianI hob di gern, oide - spoken to a woman
I hob di gern, oida - spoken to a manAzerbaijani Men seni seviremBascNere MaiteaBatakHolong rohangku di hoBavarianI mog di narrisch gernBengaliAmi toomay bhalobashi
Ami tomake bhalobashiBerberLakh tirikhBicolNamumutan ta kaBolivian QuechuaQanta munaniBulgarianObicham teBurmeseChit pa deCambodianBon sro lanh oonCanadian FrenchSh'teme (spoken, sounds like this)CantoneseNgo oi neyCatalanT'estim (mallorcan)
T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
T'estime (Valencian)
T'estimo (catalonian)CebuanoGihigugma ko ikawChickasawChiholloli (first "i" nasalized)ChineseWo ie niCorsicanTi tengu cara (to female)
Ti tengu caru (to male)CroatioanLJUBim teCzechMiluji te
Miluju te! (colloquial form)DanishJeg elsker digDutchIk hou van jou
Ikben verliefd op jeEcuador QuechuaCanda munaniEnglishI love youEsperantoMi amas vinEstonianMina armastan sind
Ma armastan sindFarsi (Persian)Tora dust midaram
Doostat daramFilipinoMahal ka ta
Iniibig KitaFinnishMina" rakastan sinuaFlemishIk zie oe geerneFrenchJe t'aimeFriesianIk hald fan deiGaelicTa gra agam ortGermanIch liebe dichGreekS'agapoGreek (old)(Ego) hilo su (ego is only needed for emphasis)GujratiHoontane pyar karoochhoonHausaIna sonkiHebrewAni ohev otach (male to female)
Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)HindiMai tumse pyar karta hoon (male to female)
Mai tumse pyar karti hoon (female to male)HokkienWa ai luHopiNu' umi unangwa'taHungarianSzereklek
Szeretlek te'gedIcelandicEg elska thigIndonesianEg elska thig
Saja kasih saudari
Saya Cinta Kamu
Saya cinta padamu
Aku cinta padamuIrishTaim i' ngra leatItalianTi amo (if it's relationship/lover/spouse
Ti voglio bene (if it's a friend, or a relative)JapaneseKimi o ai shiteru
Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasuJavanesekulo tresnoKannadaNaanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene
Naanu ninnanu mohisutheneKiswahiliNakupendaKlingonQabang
Qaparha' (depends wherein teh galaxy you are)KoreanTangsinul sarang ha yo
Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
No-rul sarang hae (male to female in a casual relationship)
Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo
Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (I like you, in a romantic way)KurdishEz te hezdikhem (?)LaoKoi muk jaoLatinTe amo
Vos amoLatin (old)(Ego) te amo (ego, for emphasis)LatvianEs milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")LingalaNalingi yoLisbon LingoGramo-te bue', chavalinhaLithuanianTave Myliu (ta-ve mee-lyuLojbanMi do pramiLuoAheriMacedonianSakam te!Madrid LingoMe molas, troncaMalaySaya cintamu
Saya sayangmuMalay/IndonesianAku sayang enkow
Sayah Chantikan awahMalayalamNjyaan ninne' preetikyunnu
Njyaan Ninne' MohikyunnuMandarinWo ei niMarathiMe tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
Me tujhashi premkarte (female to male)MowawkKonoronhkwaNorwegianEg elskar deg (Nynorsk)
Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (Pronouncdeyai elske dai)OsetianAez dae warzynPersianTora dost daramPolishKocham cie
Jacie kochamPortugueseAmo- tePortuguese (Brazilian)Eu te amoPunjabiMai taunu piyar karna (male to female)
Mai taunu piyar kardi (female to male)RomanianTe iu bescRussianYa vas liubliu
Ya liubliu tebia
Ya tebia liubliu
Ya polubeel tebyaScot Gaelictha gra/dh agam ortSerbianLubime teSerbocroatianVolim teShonaNdinokudaSinhaleseMama Oyata adaveiMama oyata adareiSiouxTechihhilaSlovakLubim taSloveneLjubim teSpanishTe quiero
TeamoSri LankanMama Oyata ArderyiSwahiliNaku penda (follwoed by person's name)SwedishJag a"lskar digSwiss GermanCh'ha di ga"rnSyrian/LebanesBhebbek (to a female)
Bhebbak (to male)TagalogMahal kitaTamilNee ennay kadhalikriya (Do you love me?)
Naan unnay kadhalikkiren(i love you)
Naan unnai virumpuren (I love you, very much)TchequeMiluji te^Telugu/IndiaNenu Ninnu premistunnanuThaiCh'an rak khun
Phom rak khunTunisianHa eh bakTurkishSeni seviyorum UkrainianJa tebe kokhaju (real true love)
Ja vaskhkhaju
Ja pokokhav tebe
Ja pokokhav vasUrduMujhe tumse mohabbat haiVietnameseEm ye^u anh (female to male)
Anh ye^n em (male to female)
Toi yeu emVlaamsIk kue van yeVulcanWani ra yana ro aishaWelsh'Rwy'n dy garu di
Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)YiddishIch libe dich
Ichhan dich libYoguslavianYa te volimZaziExhele hezdege (sp?)ZuniTom ho' ichemaZuluNgiyakuthanda!
Explanation of ********s
AfrikaansPeople of Dutch heritage in South AfricaAlsacienFrench/German dialect (live in France, but speak like German)Assamese******** spoken in the state of Asam, IndiaBatakNorth Sumatra province of IndonesiaBavarianSouthern state of Germany (actually a German dialect)Bengali******** spoken in the stateof West Bengal, India and BangladeshBicolPhilipin dialectCebuano******** spoken in Philipino near the town of CebuFriesianSpoken in Northern Holland, Northern Germany & West coast of DenmarkGaelicIrishGujrati******** spoken in the state of Gujrat, IndiaHindi******** spoken in the Norther states of IndiaHopiNorth American Indian Tribe (Southwest may be?)Kannada******** of Karnataka state, IndiaKlingonSpoken in Star TrekLuoKenyaMalayalam******** of Kerala state, IndiaMarathi******** of Maharashtra state, IndiaMohawkNorth American Indian tribe (New England, may be one of the Seven Nations/Iriquois)NavahoNorth American Indian tribe (southwest)NdebeleZimbabwePunjabiNorthern IndiaQuechuaQuecha is a Mayan ********ShonaZimbabweSinhalese******** of the non- Tamil (majority) people of Sri LankaSiouxNorth American Indian tribe from teh upper midwestTagalogFilipino ********Tamil******** spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu, India and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, mauritiusTeluguSoutheastern state of Inida (11th most spoken ******** in the world)Urdu******** spoken in PakistanVlaamsBelgian DutchVulcan******** spoken in Star TrekZaziKurdic dialect