So today i wanna share with you guys some pics from my trip to Malawi
so i went to a small village in Malawi called "Nyemba" and that mean "Beans" and its located lil bit far from the capital of Malawi which is "kasungu"
i was living with a host family wanted to host me there a super simple life with no electricity or running water
i went there as a volunteer to help build a school in this small village
with some other people of my age =]
n some adults of course
my trip started from
chicago *o'hare airport* to london *heathrow airport*
thn to south africa *johannesburg airport* thn we went straight from there to malawi
so lets start with the pics
this is TEAM D-Money
students and people from chicago who went with me to malawi
im da goofy one doing the superman thing lol

we taking a team pic in chicago's airport


in london trying them shades
from left to right
Mariel,, Natalie,, Me!

holding my lady in london

waiting for the next airplane to south africa

Mariel & I

Natalie,, Mariel,, Me and Yerika

still in london
Karla,, Anil and Me

in the airplane goin to south africa
Me and mariel

finally in south africa
team D-Money again ^^

Me and Natalie

Mariel and Me

she took a pic of me sleeping with my hat on >,<

so i took a pic of her sleeping too lol

on the bus goin to the village "Nyemba"

getting my hair braided up by jazmine

when we got to the village people started singing and dancing to us,, and they made us dance in the middle of the circle

still dancing

the welcoming speech


waiting for my host family to come and pick me up

thats me and my host dad

talking about the welcoming thing with the singing and dancing and everything ,, we didnt expect that at all

the next day
breaking the ground by the big chief of the village so we can start working on the school

women are equal to the men,,
they worked as hard as the men of the village


after 4hours of work
we gotta dance and have som fun with the lil kids
Me and Olivia

then everyone jumps in lol

the next day
we start workin again

the culowanculo
noone really knows them,, just the big chief of the village cause he choose them,, they dance to keep the envy and evil away from the village

D-Money pic with the Culowanculo

dancing with the culowanculo


kenyon,, darcy the awesome person who picked me to go to malawi and Me

playing soccer

pumping water
thomas and me

HUGE spider

Olivia and I

Me & Mariel

Oh Yeah! look at that!

the lil baby is cool

working again

my 2 host brothers
christopher,, Me and guidon

carrying water! to mix cement

they passing bricks

2 translators,, our cook,, me and the emergency driver

mariel and me and professor sticking up his head

carrying the baby

professor think he tough and he weight 25pounds lol

my host dad cutting the wood to make the fire to cook our dinner

my room

again with my room

my host family

my awesome buddy professor and I
* his name is professor*

my shower

theee inside of the shower

my host family

smashing rocks
jazmine & me

to be continued