هذه أنـا : مروة 95

مروة 95

:: عضو بارز ::
أحباب اللمة
6 أوت 2010
نقاط التفاعل

السلاااااااااااام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

صحا رمضانكم

و نشالله كل عام و انتم بخير

اليوم جبتلكم شوية من مواااااهب مروى :showoff:

هذا أنـــــــ مروة 95 ــــــــــــا

This is me

** MaRmOrA **

who is me

من هي مروة 95

a fanny young girl

فتاة مرحـــــــــــة :sheer:
spend her time in

تقضي معظم أوقات فراغها في

drawing & writing the
english poems

الرسم و كتابة

i gave you some of it
and tell me your opinion

wish you like it

اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم

و هادي بعض من خواطري
تعبـــــــــــر عن بعض من أحاسيسي
my sool's death

My soul has died since a long time but I
did not bury it cause one day; it lived in my body & it 'll still there.
People think that I am alive and I'm
dead and my body moving.
My body parts strewn everywhere. No one there, no one sees me, no one sees it, no one heard me screaming, do not feel my crying voice , I was there, alone I was there.
I wrote there, my pen wrote my wounds , anyone love my pen letters like
my soul.
Death became my dream, my God when I get to
my dream


my note

i have used to sit every day to my note, told her my worries, I share her my secrets, cry on her papers, told her what my heart holds . i have used to speak silently to my note, and complained her bitterly,it still my silenced friend who keeps my secrets and knows all of my memories


my tears

my tears do not mean that I defeated one day, or broken in a moment, or bruised at a night, it is evidence that I resisted this life more
than it deserves


one day

one day ; i was verry happy , anyone could see my
smiling face but .... after some minutes not more than minutes ... all this went to the past

i was sooooooo angry and i cried with the highest of my voice ... all who was around me was surpprised
what's happened with our young
after that i relaxed for some seconds and said : " i cried cause i was hurted since some days ; i couldn't found anyone of U around me "
don't be angry

i couldn't found a solution to this ... feeling
am i here alone
where is my friends

there isn't anyone here for me
i stood alone
i wonna know why ; just why
now i learn that this is the life
and i'm obliged to accept it






هذه الصورة تم تصغيرها. إضغط هنا لعرض الصورة بالحجم الطبيعي. أبعاد الصورة الأصلية هي 2591×1943.

You look to me

all the things is ...... okey

Don't forgate that

the person who still smile all the time


a person who die of Grief every moment

I'm always like this

all the people saw Just

the smiling face

from me

this not mean that

I was always happy

i was Just the opposit of this meaning

i couldn't live

with out hurt

i just wanted to be like


want to

be happy

i wonna be happy




my grief



couldn't let me

do it


i'll still like this

hurt , cry all the time

and i 'll still wait

the day when i'll see

the happiness


Really i hate

this feeling

hate the lonely

the hurt

the sadness

i want my last days

my happy days

my chilhood

i want it

from my heart
ybarek fik okhti

walleh les photo ma7boch
dok n7awel m3ahom
merci pour le passage

sa7a remdanek

nn khti les photo rahoum kaynine w

chefthoum 3ejbouni bzf lah ybarek

sa7a ramdanek nti tani 7anouna
i really don't care

Everything around me fails me ; hurts me

or hits me in the back

I Just like

my honest feeling

with my sool
i must keep


Because life

doesn't deserve

to spend all my time

in craying

or thinking in the

last time
all my last days

i tried to make my

life special

waiting the day


i'll stay far

and look to

my bar memories

there i'll be soooooooo


حقيــــــــــقة كنت من المصدقين لها

إلى أن جاء ذاك اليوم الذي

أدماني شوك تلك الوردة

فعزمت على الابتعاد عنها قدر المستطاع

و الاستمتاع بعطرها لكن

** من بعيــــــــد **



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