since \ for and ther uses

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.

همسات خجولة

:: عضو مُتميز ::
5 أوت 2009
نقاط التفاعل

For and since for Time
دائما يحصل خلط للتفريق بينهم
since - for

We often use for and since when talking
about time.
جميعهم يستخدمو حين نتكلم عن الوقت

for + period
معناها( لمدة)
for ياتى بعدها دائما مده زمنيه او مده من الوقت
A period is a duration of time, for

example: 5 minutes, 2 weeks, 6 years.

For means "from the beginning of the period until the end of the period." For can be used with all tenses.

بمعنى انه نذكر بعدها امده الزمنيه التى استغرقها الحدث
مثال انا عشت فى مصر لمده 3 شهر
i lived in egypt for 3 months

since + point
بمعنى منذ
A point is a precise moment in time, for
example: 9 o'clock, 1st January, Monday.
نذكر بعدها بداية الحدث

بمعنى اننا نذكر بعدها نقطه وميعاد بداية الحدث
Since means "from a point in the past until now." Since is normally used with perfect tenses.
تعنى منذ ان حدث الفعل
a period
(from start to end)
اذن for ياتى بعدها المده التى استغرقها الحدث

a point
(up to now)
وsince ياتى بعدها موعد بداية الحدث فقط
امثله على ذلك
for three days
for 6 months
for 4 years
for 2 centuries
for a long time
for ever

since Monday
since January
since 1997
since 1500
since I left school
since the beginning of time

For can be used with all tenses. Here are
a few examples:
يمكن استخدام كلمة for فى مختلف الازمنه
They study for two hours every day.
هم يذاكرون لمده ساعتين كل يوم(مضارع بسيط)

They are studying for three hours today. هم يذاكرو 3 ساعات اليوم (مضارع مستمر)
He has lived in Bangkok for a long time.
مضارع تام
He has been living in Paris for three months.
مضارع تام مستمر

Since is normally used with perfect tensesعاده تستخدم since مع الازمنه التامه

He has been here since 9am.
مضارع تام
He has been working since he arrived.
مضارع تام مستمر
I had lived in New York since my childhood.
ماضى تام

Both for and since also have other meanings, with no reference to time. Here are some examples:

يمكن استخدام كلا الكلمتين(for- since ) ايضا فى استخدمات اخرى غير التعبير عن الوقت

و هذا من اسسهل الدروووسَ اللي فهمتها بسسرعهَ هه

مرسسي بٌوكو هموسَه

ربي ما يحرمنا هالجهد الجميلً
مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.