همسات خجولة
:: عضو مُتميز ::
- إنضم
- 5 أوت 2009
- المشاركات
- 762
- نقاط التفاعل
- 10
- النقاط
- 17

sorry my love
every time i remmember what i did
i just think that am inconsolable
cause i just go and shut the door
i just don't wont to be like this
its just i want to let that go
but its hard for me cause i severed a lot to get that
but i wich that i can find that
cause am just inconsolable
am just know like a cactus
feeling that am alone every minute
i am now like a wall cause i can't do anything
cause i don't want to wast another day thinking of you
but it's hard for me
cause i don't want to be like this
because of you am now trying to go with all i have
to the far point i can
cause am inconsolable
but you should know that am not the one
that can forget that in just sometime
you know i try to sleep but i can't
cause am now just thinking in just one think
you know the clock doesn't move
cause am inconsolable
you know am just want to make a call
but you know i don't want to keep dreaming
cause am really tierd now
cause i can't do anything
neither let every thing
cause am now just a ghost
a ghost that can't lead his self
and am just inconsolable
so am sorry cause i made some wrong things
and you should know i will do the best so as to fix that
cause that's my goal now
but i wich that i can finf an easy way cause i am really tierd now
because i just know that my life is gone
but am just smiling for something
cause maybe i wouldn't be alone
cause you still my friend
my best friend
cause i like you very much
cause you have a heart of a lady
but you should give me the help cause am still stop