Why does life have to be so complicated.


:: عضو منتسِب ::
27 ماي 2009
نقاط التفاعل
Why does life have to be so complicated. Why people are so bad and so full of hate. Me, I just want to live happy and simple life, being myself, not being scared of what might people think or how are they going to treat me. I want to find my other half and to really love each other. To have an interesting life together full of adventures, travel around the world and have a family, because life is about that living it to the fullest with the one you love. But reality is far from it….
Why people are so bad and so full of hate

Let me tell you dear brother that not all people are like that

there are some of them

full of love and good

May be you faced problems that made you think like that

but believe me u have to be hopeful

You'll be able to find good people


Life is not complicated

it became so ...because we think that it is

Thank u
[CENTER] i don't know my brother
just smile !! !♥♥ because it's life !!![/CENTER]
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