Write your book

abou khaled

:: عضو بارز ::
أحباب اللمة
16 جوان 2011
نقاط التفاعل
Write your book
Write your book

Ways of writing your book- start with your family tree. Talk a bout yourself, father, grandfather etc…. Talk about your life, adventures that you’ve been through and obstacles that you’ve faced. Leave this book for your future generation for example your children and grandchildren. Talk about your uncles and aunties, sisters and brothers.

Writing your book will be a great idea for your future generation to know how you’ve lived and what you have faced, so start know before its too late and no history of your family is taken into accoun

thank u so much brother 4 the idea it`s a good one

I`ll think about it

bless u
اللهم اجمع شمل المسلمين وانص اخوانا في سوريا اميييييييييييييين
great idea bro
like it ^^

but for me
i haven't adventures or something special to write about
ordinary life that's all :p​
selma19، تم حظره "حظر دائم". السبب: مخالفة القوانين
that's a good adea
i'll do it after th exam
thhhhhhhhhnx a looooooooot
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