pllllz plzzzzz (write it right) k

Explain what a press release is to your students . Then brainstorm the topic before we set them to task.
Press release
We make our sincere apologies for the damage caused by the wreck of the Exxon Valdez yesterday. Oil will be recuperated with special machines and the spoilt beaches will be cleaned. Marine life will be restored; birds will be washed out. We promise that 2000 workers will be recruited soon. Hotel workers will be employed by the company and the tourist industry will be compensated for its loss. ... (Students can add examples of their own;)
we make our sincer apologes for the domages caused by the wdeck of the exoon valdez yestarday we promise that 2000 workers will be recuited soon oil will be rcuperated with special marchins as a result beaches will be claened mor ever birds will be washed out and marine life will be restord it will be better then before tourist inclustry will be compensated for losses at the end hotel workers will be employed by the company