you should know


:: عضو مُتميز ::
12 جويلية 2010
نقاط التفاعل
*don't worry be happy*

you should know that nobody has a perfect life everybady has their own problems some people just know how to deal with it in a perfect way

you should know that in the end people will judge you anyway don't live your life impressing others live your life impressing yourself

you should know that you only can change your life nobody can change it for you

you should know that the happiness of your life depends of the quality of your thoughts

you should know that the past was never a mistake if you learned from it

you should know that if you are lucky enough to be different don't ever change

you should know that it dosen't matter what other think of you it only matter what you think of you don't change becauze one person dosen't like you

you should know that people will laugh at your dreams and they hate you when you make them true

you should know that if you can dream it you can do it

you should know that the true friends are the ones who have nice things to say about you behind your back

you should know that it's beautiful to having a best friend who is like your other half like mine i miss so much dear rayane and i hope you always find a reason to smile :)

*be happy whatever it costs*

,, Yup
U must just 2 be faithful

: Because
~ Worry ends when faith begins ~
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