أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء


:: عضو بارز ::
أحباب اللمة
4 فيفري 2016
نقاط التفاعل
WHy GoD GaVe Us FRiEnDs
GOD knew that everyone needs
Companionship and cheer,
He knew that people need someone
Whose thoughts are always near.
He knew they need someone kind
To lend a helping hand.
Someone to gladly take the time
To care and understand.
GOD knew that we all need someone
To share each happy day,
To be a source of courage
When troubles come our way.
Someone to be true to us,
Whether near or far apart.
Someone whose love we'll always
Hold and treasure in our hearts
That's Why GOD Gave Us Friends!


As we walk our path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance.
But, some are sent our way.
These become special friends
Whose bond we can't explain;
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain.
Their love contains no boundaries.
So, even we are apart.
Their presence enhances us
With a warmth felt in the heart.
This love becomes a passageway,
When even the miles disappear.
And so, these friends, God sends our way,
Remain forever near.


BeSt FriEnDs
A Best Friend!
A friend that really cares!
All my secrets i can share!
There when i need a hand!
There to understand!
When i cry!
She will be by!
If i am away!
She will call me day by day!
If i need her at all!
She'll be there to stand tall!
Anything i say will be heard!
She will listen word by word!
If I am late!
She will open the gate!
As she looks in my eyes!
The sparkle she realize!
She is the one that cares!
And the one thats there!
That's a best Friend!!


FOrEvEr FriEnDs
you'r my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
we went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,
its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.


Why God MaDe FiEnDs
God made the world with a heart full of love,
Then He looked down from Heaven above,
And saw that we all need a helping hand,
Someone to share with, who'll understand.
He made special people to see us through
The glad times and the sad times, too;
A person on whom we can always depend,
Someone we can call a friend.
God made friends so we'll carry a part
Of His perfect love in all our hearts.


YOu WiLl Be On My MinD
Well my friend, another night has come to pass.
Without your words and smiles that last.
Quite the unfamiliar evening.
With the absence of pops and empty dreaming.
I've enjoyed your songs and your posts.
But your short messages I've liked the most.
At times I think my addictions a mess.
Then I realize that I am blessed!
A friendship that once in a lifetime you'll find.
Tonight my friend you will be on my mind


BeAUtiFul frIEnDsHip
Things will be said from time to time.
Not so random but truly on my mind.
If they are too much, or too strong.
Please take them in stride and move along.
I don't want to scare you or push you away.
Just many, many things I want to say.
You are so wonderful, I've told you so.
And much more we will share this I know.
A crazy thing we have here.
And it is not always clear.
But the beautiful friendship we have made together.
Will remain the same forever and ever.


My eyes are open, yet Im still asleep,
Im wide awake, yet Im dreaming deep,
Theres a smile a smiling, yet its not quite real,
Theres a sense of senses, yet I dont feel.
All is quiet, yet in a dormant state,
All is good, but not quite great.
Yet when I see you, its all so clear
It all awakens when you are near.
I see..I feel..I smile..Im true.
Nobody can do this..only you.

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

عندما يخذلنا الاصدقاء نعود لممارسة أشياء كنا نمارسها من قبل كالنوم باكرا وهجر هواتفنا لمدة طويلة ونعود كالغرباء لا يهمنا أحد

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

ما زلت أتوق الى الكلام الذي لا يقال بغير العينين في لحظة لا نملك الا الصمت . لننصت معا الى صخب الصمت ونجلس على طاولة الذكريات .. هناك فقط يمكن ان تولد الكلمات يوما وينطق الصمت

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

إن في رحم كل ضائقة أجنة انفراجها ومفتاح حلها، وإن لجميع ما نعانيه من أزمات حلولاً مناسبة إذا ما توفر لها عقل المهندس ومبضع الجراح وحرقة الوالدة.. وعلى الله قصد السبيل

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

لا تدع عاداتك السيئه تنفر الناس من الحديث معك لان الحديث مع الناس يحتاج الى اسلوب خاص وبالذات الغرباء.
إن الناس تنفر من الشخص الذى يمارس عادة سيئة في الحديث معهم و لا يرغبون فى وجوده أو التحاور معه و الحديث معه
رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

لغة الازهار
للورود لغة رومانسية , تكشف مافي الصدور من حب وشوق وألم وعذاب...
فوردةٌ حمراء واحدة تغني عن باقة كاملة من الورود . وليست الوردة نفسها من تعبر عن ذلك بل أيضاً أوراقها وأشواكها فالأوراق هي : الأمل ، والأشواك هي : الخطر.
فالورد خلفه الكثير من الأقنعه السامه
لا يغرك مظهر الورد الجميل فو يخفي خلفه الرائحه المميته والقاتله
لا وتغرك تلك الألوان فيه مجرد شبك من أجل الوقوع بك فـليس كل ما يلمع ذهباً
فــاحذر من كل شي حتي الورد أحذر منه فو يقتل
هناك الكثير من ريحته التي تميت ولكن يشدك لونها وجمالها
فـالجمال لا يهم عندما تعرف ماذا يوجد خلف تلك الورده
الأشواك تنغرس بيدك ويخرج الدم من بين أطراف أصابعك ورائحتها قد تقتلك أحيانا هذه حال الدنيا فليس كل الورد رائحته جميله عطره يفوح منها المسك
الأزهار والورود تشكّل عالماً قائماً في ذاته وعندما نقف أمامها يتكشّف لنا كل ما يضجّ به هذا العالم ويدهشنا.
كم وردة حمراء وفلة بيضاء أذابت الفوارق ومسحت الدموع وخففت من معاناة الآلام وقسوة الظروف. وهناك من تسبب الموت فليس كل الورد واحد ولا تعجب بشكله كثيراً

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

قالوا عن الزّهور :
- إن المرأة والزهرة توأمان يضفيان السعادة والبهجة على الكون بأكمله.
- الزهرة هي الطبيعة الصامتة النابضة بكل ألوان الحياة، ألوان مضيئة تعكس التفاؤل العميق والفرح بالحياة.
- كم وردة حمراء وفلة بيضاءأذابت الفوارق ومسحت الدموع وخففت من معاناة الآلام وقسوة الظروف.
- حين تتعطل لغة الكلام ، الزهور... عالم ينطق بجميل الشعور
- للزهور لغة تعبيرية خاصة عندما يغيب الكلام ويصعب التعبير وتجف الاقلام ويتلعثم اللسان فتبقى وحدها نضرة زاهية لتحمل معاني التعبير .
- تربعت الزهور على العرش في مملكة المشاعر، وظلت الترجمان الأكثر طلاقة بين المتحابين.
- الورد هو ملك الزهور بأنواعه المختلفة التي تناهز الخمسين نوعاً وهو رمز الحب والسعادة والفرح.
- الورد مرسول سلام يساهم في التقارب وازدياد الالفة بين الناس.
- زهرة واحدة يمكن أن تذكي عاطفة متأججة أو تخفف من غيرة حمقاء او تقوض أركان مرض ما.

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء


نشعر بهم يختالون بقلوبنا ..
يعبثون بأضلاعنا ..
يبعثرون ترتيب نبضاتنا ..
و لآن البوح بالمشاعر ..

آمر محرم في قانون الكبرياء ..
فأننا نحبس أشواقنا ..
بحكم مؤبد
رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

It's Good To Have a Friend Like You!
It's good to have a friend like you,
Whose friendship is sincere and true!
Someone to lend a helping hand,
To care for me and understand.
When I am feeling sad and blue,
It's good to have a friend like you,
To help me sort my troubles out,
And clear my mind of fear and doubt.
It's good to have a friend like you,
Just thinking of the things we do,
Sharing secrets, cups of tea...
Life is good when you're with me!
Fun loving, kind, sincere and true,
These words describe a friend...

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

Sometimes we take for granted
the kindness of a friend,
seldom giving thanks for
them thoughtfulness they send.
Friendships should be treasured
along with the higher
things of earth,
given plenty of love,
like a baby born in birth.
A friendship,
very much
like a flower,
planted deep within its soil,
needs to be cared for,
in order to continue to grow.
Without the caring process,
friendships do grow cold,
then they whither out and die,
before they can grow old.
We seldom ever realize what price
we have to pay, when we take
our friends for granted and
let them slip away.
Never will we ever find,
another friend so dear

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

السلام كالعادة كلمك كلها أحكام ومعني في قول الصواب بارك الله فيك استاد
رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

السلام كالعادة كلمك كلها أحكام ومعني في قول الصواب بارك الله فيك استاد
حفظك الله اختنا الكريمة وجزاك الله كل خير
رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

We are Friends
I got your back
You got mine,
I'll help you out
To see you hurt
To see you cry
Makes me weep
And wanna die
And if you agree
To never fight
It wouldn't matter
Who’s wrong or right
If a broken heart
Needs a mend
I'll be right there
Till the end
If your cheeks are wet
From drops of tears
Don't worry
Let go of your fears
Hand in hand
Love is sent,
We'll be friends
Till the end!!!!

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

السلام ربي إجازك الله كل خير ويجعلك من أصحاب اليمين
رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

السلام ربي إجازك الله كل خير ويجعلك من أصحاب اليمين
اللهم اجمعين
رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

Sometimes we see things that aren’t meant to be seen.
Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem.
Sometimes we need someone to call our own,
Especially when we’re alone.
Sometimes people just can’t understand,
Why things get out of hand.
Sometimes life just isn’t fair,
Especially when people just don’t care.
And sometimes it's hard to say,
Why things have to be this way.
Sometimes it’s all you can do to get by,
Especially when dreams continue to die.
Sometimes it’s nice to sit in the rain.
Even to just relieve the pain.
And when we’ve had a really bad day,
Sometimes we just need to get away.
We never know what’s wrong with out pain.
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.

And sometimes when people get hurt, Even the strongest ones may need comfort....

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

I've learned that we don't have to change friends,If we understand that friends change.
I've learned that something that you do in an instant, can give you heartache for life
I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words, it may be that last time you see them.
I've learned that we are responsiable for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I've learned that either you control your attitude, or it controls you
I've learned that my best friend and I , can do anything or nothing and still ahve a good time.
I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you are down, will be the one who helps you get up.
I've learned that sometimes when i am angry i have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them too, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of expirences you've had and what you learned from them, and less to do with how many years you have lived.
I've learned that it isin't always enough to be forgiven by others, but sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I've learned that just because two people argue, doesn't mean they don't love eachother. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love eachother.
I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secrect, it may change you life forever.
I've learned that sometimes the people that you love most in lfe, are taken from you too soon.
I've learned that you can't make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved, and the rest is up to them.
I've learned that no matter how much i care, some people just dont care back.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and just seconds to destroy it.
I've learned that it's not what you have in life, but who you have that counts.
I've learned that you can keep going, long after you think you can't.
I've learned that their are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it.
I've learned that even when you feel you have no more to give, a friend cries out and you find the srenght to help.
I've learned that our backgrounds and circumstances may have influenced our lives, but we are responsiable for who we become.

رد: أصـــــــــــــدقـــــــــــــ ـــــــاء

A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlocked.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend.

لإعلاناتكم وإشهاراتكم عبر صفحات منتدى اللمة الجزائرية، ولمزيد من التفاصيل ... تواصلوا معنا