حل ت 1 و 2 ص 88 - انجليزية 2 ثانوي

Cristal BR

:: عضو مُتميز ::
1 ماي 2016
نقاط التفاعل
محل الإقامة
حل ت 1 ص 88
dear aunt hakima
i'm writing to you to seek advice order to solve my problem
i'm Mona .i'm 18 years old. i'm second year school. my family and i have just moved to a new house far from the school i go to
i find myself in a dilemma and i have no one to turn to
my father wants me to register in nearest school to our new house when i find this suggestion very hard .i d'ont want to leave my school ,teachers, and especially my best friends and at the same time my school is very far.i feel very tired at the end of day i can't even revise my lessons. what should i do
answer soon please
yours faithfully

حل ت 2 ص 88
dear Mona
i've read your letter and it's quiet normal to have a such feeling
don't worry at all. most of people feel anxious when they are about changing their work or school in your case, to remain in the same school means a waste of time , of money and of efforts. your best friend will back home at middle day while you stay alone in from of the school doors having a fast food for lunch which it not appropriate to a girl at your age.
this is in one hand
on the other hand if you register in the nearest school to your new house , you'll certainly meet teenagers who will undrestand you and be your futur best friends conserning teachers it's up to you to work hard and get good marks.
finally, i advice you to move to the nearest school it's question of time to be familiar whith your new surrounding of course keeping in touch with your old best friends
yours sincerely
و فيكم بارك الرحمان
انا اريد تمرين 2 صفحة 43 فالانجليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي بليييييز ساعدوني
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