خليـك فنــان مــع AlphaStar v1.0.2 for After Effects

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:: عضو مُتميز ::
19 ديسمبر 2007
نقاط التفاعل
السلام عليكم


اليوم جبتلكم هذا البرنامج الرائع
AlphaStar v1.0.2


[FONT=&quot]AlphaStar v1.0.2 for After Effects[/FONT]
This set of plug-in modules for After Effects allows for various types of lighting effects which are indispensable to any video artist. In one bundle several types of powerful instruments are collected in order to create all sorts of incredible video effects, such as flashes, rays, stars, specks, glow, rainbow, lens flare etc. Each module in the AlphaStar set is a powerful tool in itself that covers the entire sphere of producing special effects and permits great variety of methods of application.
Creates a beautiful single flashes, stars, flare and etc. and emulates physical phenomena when high energy beams intersect with virtual optical system.
Creates particles systems consisting from myriads of lighting stars. You can easy control these particles how they born, fly and die.
Creates highlights and shining stars on brightly parts of raster sources and adjusts and animates a lot of parameters.
Creates stars and lights on borders of opaque ******s. You can easy add stars on edges of any texts, typings, subscribes and etc.
Vector mask and raster contours both can be used as source of stars. Raster contours will be automatically traced into vector ******s with help of build-in means.
Decorates video, texts, typings, subscribes with beautiful rays and beams. Even these beams can shine on perimeter of raster and vector sources.
Creates amazing rainbows and adjusts their parameters. Adds rainbow blink on video and typing. Sets rainbow splitting of color for stars' and rays' light.



مع تحيات



اخي لمين مشكور على البحث و احضار برنامج من اندر البرامج و اروعها
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اخي لمين مشكور على البحث و احضار برنامج من اندر البرامج و اروعها
دمت متألق بأمثالك يتطور المجتمع اخي واصل التميز

ممكن تعريف بسيط بالعربية

( كونااااان / سميير )

البرنامج هو عبارة عن اظافة لبرنامج تحرير الفيديو الشهير:
After Effects
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برنامج مميز ورائع

ياريت برنامج لاضافة المؤثرات على الكتابة في البرامج [3Dmax]

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شكراا اخي بارك الله فيك

برنامج مميز ورائع

ياريت برنامج لاضافة المؤثرات على الكتابة في البرامج [3dmax]

شكراا بارك الله فيك دائما متالق في المنتدى

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