اكبر تجميعية دروس مايا عرفا العالم من شركة

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:: عضو بارز ::
أحباب اللمة
13 جانفي 2008
نقاط التفاعل
لممجموعة من شركة دجتال توتورز Digital tutors
الملف عبارة عن torrent شغال 100/100 ومجرب من طرفي شخصيا...


تحتوي على
Maya Basics
Introduction to Maya, 2nd Edition
Non-linear Animation with Maya Trax
Introduction to Maya Animation: Walk Cycle
Introduction to Maya Paint Effects
Introduction to Hypershade
Introduction to MEL
Rendering with Maya Toon
Character Setup in Maya
mental ray in Maya: Rendering Workflow
mental ray Nodes in Maya
Particles and Fields in Maya
Soft and Rigid Bodies in Maya
Polygon and Sub-D Modeling in Maya
UV Layout in Maya
3D Texturing in Maya and Photoshop
Mastering Maya Render Nodes
Maya Unlimited: Fur
Maya Unlimited: Fluid Effects
Maya Unlimited: Cloth
Maya Unlimited: Hair
Maya Production Series vol.1 - Pre-Production
Maya Production Series vol.2 - Modeling
Maya Production Series vol.3 - Texturing
Maya Production Series vol.4 - Rigging
Maya Production Series vol.5 - Animation
Facial Rigging in Maya
Facial Animation and Lip Sync in Maya
Body Mechanics and Animation in Maya: Lifting Heavy Objects
Photorealistic Car Modeling in Maya
Female Android Modeling in Maya
Add-On: Street Racer Kit
Shading Networks in Maya
Ultimate Fluids
Body Mechanics and Animation in Maya: Pushing Objects
Body Mechanics and Animation in Maya: Pulling Objects
Introduction to Modeling in Maya
Maya Modeling Techniques: Werewolves
Maya Modeling Techniques: Interiors
mental ray Rendering Techniques: Interiors
Urban Environment Creation in Maya
Maya Modeling Techniques: Automotive
mental ray Tips and Tricks
The Artist's Guide to MEL
Rigging Quadrupeds in Maya
Animating Quadrupeds in Maya
Size: 23.33 GB

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