• [ مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن ]: هنيئا لأختنا فاطمة عليليش "Tama Aliche" الفوز بالمركز الأول في مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن التي نظمت من قبل إذاعة جيجل الجهوية وتحت إشراف مديرية الشؤون الدينية والأوقاف لولاية جيجل. ونيابة عن كافة أعضاء وطاقم عمل منتدى اللمة الجزائرية نهنئك بهذا الفوز فألف ألف ألف مليوون مبروك هذا النجاح كما نتمنى لك المزيد من النجاحات والتوفيق وأن يكون هذا الإنجاز إلا بداية لإنجازات أكبر في المستقبل القريب بإذن الله. موضوع التهنئة

A bridge

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.


:: عضو مُتميز ::
24 نوفمبر 2006
نقاط التفاعل
نقاط الجوائز
A Bridge

People in this life are born to be something. Some of them might be doctors, others might

be architects, or may be farmers or even just to be poor.. Whereas some others are born

with a golden spoon.

What does it mean to be a bridge...But have you ever thought of people who are born to be a BRIDGE??

What does it mean to be a bridge

It is in short to witness everyone passing over ,to see them, hear them , lead them and

show the path , laugh for there happiness and cry for the sufferings , but only for a transit moments when they do pass over
Then to be again , alone and in vain , left to the wind and no one to find, to the rain , to the

pain,to the times chain .

Once as a bridge I thought of trying to be a human again, to share ,to care, and to move

every where , and get red of the ice I for long have spared .

But could I or could not , it is a thought of rot
That people will astray; if they looses the way
For that and in a hurry , I didn’t forgot the story….and was deeply happy of being a

human bridge..a way .. a path , lonely and sad, but after all that , is not too bad​

best wishes....................jojocosta
merci ..........jojcosta
Thank u Sofian 4 ur passing by my subject and 4 ur reply

:confused: :rolleyes: thank u a bridge for this site but i don t comprand the english :rolleyes: :confused: this is my probleme do u help me?:eek:
hello melodi

Thank u very much 4 ur passing by my subject

I will be pleased 2 help u...if u need anything just ask me..I'M HERE

thank you............
ThanX yassmine 4 ur reply......really that makes me happy


:) :)
i am really i don t know what i say u
thank u very very much

..........my remembrance
your sister melody​
peace be upon you

Thanxx a lot JOJOCOSTA

for the wonderful topic

and as she said my sis be4 u r the bridge for el lamaa

U r the brige 4 everything nice ..cool...& benifith
i am really i don t know what i say u
thank u very very much

..........my remembrance
your sister melody

ThanX alot & again MELODY 4 ur passing from here

u don't have 2 say any thing..we are sisters & we have 2 help each other..i'm waiting 4 ur

take care............ur best sis


:) :) :)
peace be upon you

Thanxx a lot JOJOCOSTA

for the wonderful topic

and as she said my sis be4 u r the bridge for el lamaa

U r the brige 4 everything nice ..cool...& benifith

and you peace my bro son of ALGERIA

happy 4 ur passing from my subject &4 ur wonderfull words

so if i were a bridge 4 elama as u said what about u .........i think ur bigger &bigger than me

any way ur reply encourage and obligate me 2 thank u sOoOoOoO MUCH

ur sis jOjOcOsta

:) :) :) :)
thats very touching , i hv telt this way before , i guess thats makes me a human bridge right???
سؤال فقط ومامعنى أن تكون جسراااااا لأصدقاءك كي يحققوا بك اغراض شخصية؟

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.