I miss you


:: عضو منتسِب ::
16 جوان 2008
نقاط التفاعل
نقاط الجوائز
Taatracs words in my mouth thrill

Today completes Habibi Twenty-five-year-old

What a day

I do not know or feel happy .......

My thoughts are mixed

I remember what I said last feast me

I remember when you told me Hnotk ...

Eid for the people and their uncle and became one of my sticks in Eid

How do I joy and you are not near me

Tell me ... How??

Yesterday we were together .....

Walk on the beach of sand ...

Footprint Tlhakna ...

And we sat ......

The whole world behind us .....

We have broad and blue .....

Silence and noise fills us with love ...

I am afraid to spoil talk Ibhari Pim eyes ..

And pass the hours seconds

And love fuels Brkini

Melts and the sun in my veins .....

.... And stand and walk ...

And the effects of our feet Tlhakna .....

Wave slave steal ...

Today I go back a single
Here's ...

To where I hid my memories

And I sit alone ..

The universe from the rear and you are in front of me ..

I was once third one ..

You hear the pulse of Qlpina ..

And bury our secrets in the depths of your heart ...

Dreams and the pain ...

Here I come back my love and grief ..

You go back to the memories and aspirations ...

You go back and separation Odhanani ..

I remember one day that we agreed to get

I only saw

That nothing Svrguena

And to love us alone

Please, dear beloved sea ..

If he comes to you one day ..

Mentioned including buried alive ....
Tell him that the promise remains ....

Tell him that I was born

One heart

And the spirit of one

Love one

Habibi what holiday gift you Yamlaki and everything you have

I do not have the most expensive of my life, a subject in your hands


لعشاق اللغة الانجليزيه

أهداءالى حبيبتي في يوم ميلادها
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