Ask the next member a question?

I would go to Maka then to Japan

the same Q?
hhhhhhhhh they asked me this Q

so it's my turn 2 ask

what is the color of ur eyes


what is the color of ur eyes

hhhhhh :laugh:
a beauty miss

dark brown
like this


Do you pray?d
I have One Question
Anyone Like To Be In relationship with me?
Just knowing each other
على وجه ربيـــ هههه
yes just friends why not

do you have a lover??

I dont knwo if you are talking to me
But Now For The Moment I dont Have and Really I dont like to have mybe if she's the one who i prefere Mybe I'll try to stay with Her..
No I dont have
I have Plans to get out of the country and mybe have a serious relation withsomeone not algerian
and god help me
No I'm not

what do you do in real life?I mean job
I'm in holidays now.....

I look for the lessons of second year english LMD...
Can you help me!!???

Sorry my dear I don't know how?m

who is u're best friend ? q
I'm in holidays now.....

I look for the lessons of second year english LMD...
Can you help me!!???

If You Like, I could Help You
i dont Have It But I could really help you
And you have my emails and skype and private sms
Even More I can teach You
Contacte me anytime

there is no question

so mine is

u will miss me when i'll travel tomorrow to spend my holidays!!!!.. :closedeyes:


there is no question

so mine is

u will miss me when i'll travel tomorrow to spend my holidays!!!!.. :closedeyes:

When You're Gone The Pieces Of My Heart Are Missing You

when ur gone.....avril lavigne's song

not bad at all

why u didn't put a question??..ya

ops...sure..not me

did u travel to any place this summer or not yet???...oh ya

Yes I did travel several times

the same Q?

me tomorrow inchallah i'll travel to tipaza

did u read my last tOpiC???

no i didn't read it
لإعلاناتكم وإشهاراتكم عبر صفحات منتدى اللمة الجزائرية، ولمزيد من التفاصيل ... تواصلوا معنا