~siGn in by a PrOverb or a wiSedom~

don't get serious about life..no one gets out alive anyway
Bill Gates

If you born poor it's not your mistake

but if you die poor it's your mistake

I like that one Angel good proverb

a friend in need is a friend indeed
more matter less then art
w. shakespeare s hamlet
I learned three important things in college - to use a library, to memorize quickly and visually, to drop asleep at any time given a horizontal surface and fifteen minutes.

~Agnes DeMille, Dance to the Piper, 1952
Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic

~ Martin Luther King ~​
tRy AnD fAiL..bUt..NeVeR fAiL tO tRy

aSpIrE..tO iNsPiRe..BeFoRe..U eXpIrE
Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life.
Relationships work best when they are balanced

iF u CaN't CoNvInCe ThEm..CoNfUsE thEm
the best way
to cheer yourself up
is to try to cheer
somebody else up

mark twain
dOn'T cOmPaRe UrSeLf WiTh AnYoNe In ThIs WoRlD..iF u Do..U r InSuLtInG uRsElF


dOn'T cOmPaRe UrSeLf WiTh AnYoNe In ThIs WoRlD..iF u Do..U r InSuLtInG uRsElF


صَدَقَ هتلرْ



Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.
John Keats

There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women

Madeleine K. Albright
a man can be destroyed but not defeated
Ernest Himingway
It is always easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permision
--Adm. Grace Hopper
iF u JuDgE pPl..U hAvE nO TiMe..To LoVe ThEm
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