• [ مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن ]: هنيئا لأختنا فاطمة عليليش "Tama Aliche" الفوز بالمركز الأول في مسابقة الماهر بالقرآن التي نظمت من قبل إذاعة جيجل الجهوية وتحت إشراف مديرية الشؤون الدينية والأوقاف لولاية جيجل. ونيابة عن كافة أعضاء وطاقم عمل منتدى اللمة الجزائرية نهنئك بهذا الفوز فألف ألف ألف مليوون مبروك هذا النجاح كما نتمنى لك المزيد من النجاحات والتوفيق وأن يكون هذا الإنجاز إلا بداية لإنجازات أكبر في المستقبل القريب بإذن الله. موضوع التهنئة

is it a poor teaching or a peer teaching


:: عضو مُشارك ::
6 أوت 2010
نقاط التفاعل
Every year different algerian universities graduate thousands of students in several streams...and school subjects.The first step for these students is looking for jobs to start a new life..few of them find their works or join their merit jobs and others do not find ..so they join teaching in different levels and schools...thyese new teacher start their new work with an astonishment..everything seem s or appears to them strange and difficult.They star with a poor language and experience the victims are their pupils and students..this what we call poor teaching ..teaching without any pedagogical fortune and methodology if this teacher work and fetch hard in order to improve his knowledge level .He will be lucky and he will change to a better teaching methods and this what we call peer teaching .
Well,Now a days teaching has been changed with the appearance of the training teachers school

L'école normal superieure

So teachers are not just coming from other fields of study to teach.I was a student at the training school and I found job right after graduation and; of course ;I have no poor language or knowledge.I think being poor depends on the person himself not the age.There are new teachers who are better than old ones with respect of course.
it depends to the teacher himself or herself Miss or Mrs so who tries will acquire and get new knowledge

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