*** how are you today ***

Today, praise be to God for
i'm sad now but
i can"t speak
just smille
lam not good to day
sooo saaaaaddd
l cry every time
the tears want not to leave me this day but l hope that tomorrow will be better than to day
i hope that tomorrow l'll see Y write i'm

nchalleh Yousera
Today I'm mixed with my thinking
i can be a quit when i feeling good
Today I'm sad because the holiday is about to end

To DaY iAm FiNe AnD hMd

BuT nOt HaPpy
SoMe PeAple Said !
ThIs iS LiE bUt. We R MuSlims SO wE hAvE tO sAy
i Am FinNe hmd BeCaUseSToday I aM iN gOoD hEalTh and I haVen't pRoblEms .. WHile thEre are pEoPle in this wOrLd have it. sO wE haVe to thAnk aLLah eVry dAy and eVry tiMe and eVry wHere
i am sad you know why don't ask me
i'm i'm ......
SOo happy
because is
the Start of new year
I am fine
Like all other days

may god help any one
need any thing
and make happiness in all
your life
my friends
today i'm sOoooooo sad
but i don't know why.......maybe because i'm happy
لإعلاناتكم وإشهاراتكم عبر صفحات منتدى اللمة الجزائرية، ولمزيد من التفاصيل ... تواصلوا معنا