هذه أنـا : مروة 95

thanks for all what you did

and do always for me

You was always behind me

support me

help me

care of me

miss me when no one care

aabout my absence

Thanks a lot my only friend

i said it & i'll repeat it again

i love you my friend

specially for my best

Is this all for me ??

And you my sweetie you give me the friendship

Simply because you gave me Love .. Compassion .. Brothers ....

So I want to thank you for everything
You are my angel .. Dear friend

I Love you very much .. MaRm0rTi
Is this all for me ??

And you my sweetie you give me the friendship

Simply because you gave me Love .. Compassion .. Brothers ....

So I want to thank you for everything
You are my angel .. Dear friend

I Love you very much .. MaRm0rTi
ohhhhhh , my god
my honey is a poet
what a poem
an emazing poet

but i want it to write just
for our friendship
the selfish friend :showoff: cuz
simply i love You so much

God bless You my sool
Is this all for me ??

And you my sweetie you give me the friendship
Simply because you gave me Love .. Compassion .. Brothers ....

So I want to thank you for everything
You are my angel .. Dear friend

I Love you very much .. MaRm0rTi

This is also for you

across this land
there's a friend who is always there
with a caring heart & a helping hand
to let me know , how much she cares

so my friends , for all the things that you did
to fill my days and nights with a beatiful view
this little greeting i send to you
....to say .....
Thanks for keeping my heart smiling
and placing your love deep within my heart

And i can say
...... on this day and every day
with your love , smile and friendship
..... The days and nights will be
A wonderul journey , for me
This is also for you

across this land
there's a friend who is always there
with a caring heart & a helping hand
to let me know , how much she cares

so my friends , for all the things that you did
to fill my days and nights with a beatiful view
this little greeting i send to you
....to say .....
Thanks for keeping my heart smiling
and placing your love deep within my heart

And i can say
...... on this day and every day
with your love , smile and friendship
..... The days and nights will be
A wonderul journey , for me
Yes definite will be a wonderful trip

Our hearts will meet .. Our hands .. Feelings
To give our world a touch of magic
Just a touch of safa and Marwa
And will Meet our hopes our dreams
So do not be afraid sweetie,
I am always with you forever
And I will not be friendly with other

I love Marwa

If they betried You
don't do the same thing

If they hurted You
don't be like them

It will be a day when all of them
know That they losed a treasure
will never be irreplaced

But in that day the remose
doesn't work
cuz i'll not have a place for them
in my life

Thanks for your betraies
my best friend
هذه الصورة تم تصغيرها. إضغط هنا لعرض الصورة بالحجم الطبيعي. أبعاد الصورة الأصلية هي 600×590 و حجمها هو 56 كيلوبايت.


i hate all this

hate the betraies

the hate

the lonely

the sadness

i want never to see anything

Just Your faces my




and also You safa

i'll never forgate what you did
to me
Just I love you marwa

You are the best

So, please dont forget me and stay with me

ما شاء الله مروة
و الله الكتابة هي افضل انيس
جميلة جداً هي خواطرك
ما شاء الله مروة

و الله الكتابة هي افضل انيس
جميلة جداً هي خواطرك

صدقتـــــــــــي في هادي اختي نسومــــــــــــــــة
منورتنـــــــــي الله يخليكــــ

لقد كانت أجمـــــــل الايام تلك التي
جمعتنا يوما ، جمعتنا على المحبة و الاخوة

و الصداقــــــــة
و يا له من يومـ ، ذلكـ الذي غير مجرى
جـل حياتي
جعل الحــــــــــــزن يغمر قلبي الصغير
و سمح لطيور الهمـ من ان تعشش فيه
فأنتي لم تكوني صديقتي و لا اختي
كنتي روحي ، توأمي ....
لكـــــــن ، أين نحن من تلك الايام
مضت و لمـ تتركـ لي سوى ذكرى
ذكـــــــــرى سأعيش عليها طول حياتي
تجرعت منك المر و الأمـــر
و صدقيني معزتكـ في قلبي لم تتغير يوما
احساس غريب يسيطر على كياني
شعور مؤلمـ ينتابني بمجرد سماع اسمكـ
أو رؤية حسكـ

أفتقدكـ صديقتي
أفتقد ضحكااتنا
حتى خصامنــــــــــا
أفتقد حضنكـ الذي طالما حضن دموعي

و لكـــــــن لن نكون مجـــــــــددا كما كنا سابقا

تسير بنا الحياة بين لقاء و فراق
صعود و هبـــوط ...
قمة و قاع ..
هناكـ أجلس أنـــــــــــا
أجلس هنــــاك على زاوية غرفتي
غرفتي التي طالمـــا شهدت على
هدوئــي ، وحدتي ، فوضويتي ، جنوني
حزن قلبـــــي و سعادته
أجلس إلى مذكرتي ، أشكو همومـــــي
أبوح لها بما يختلج قلبـــــي
لكــن جلوسي إلى مذكرتي هذه الليلة
كان له طعمـ اخر
استرجعتـ شريط ذكرياتي
و مرت بي محطاته السعيدة منها و التعيسة
تذكـــــرت أول يوم جمعنا
أول ضحكت غمرت قلبينا
أول قبلة طبعتها يوما على وجنتي
أول ... و ما أسعد قلبي بتذكرهـــــــــــا
أين هي ؟ أين انت صديقتي ؟
رحلت و رحلت ذكرياتنا معكـ
ماذا اقول ؟ و ما عساي أقول ؟
كتبت عنكـ حتى هجرتني حروفي
بكيتكـ حتى جفت دموعـــــي
رحلتي دون امل لي بلقياكـ من جديد
و ما لنــا من اعتراض على مشيئة القادر الجبار
افتقـــــدك صديقتي
تذكرتكـ اليوم ، و سأتذكركـ أبدا
و ستبقين في نظري نعمـ الاخت و الصديقــة .
i wrote this words specially
for my friend
my sister or more than it
i named her my angel
cause she is so cute , so sweety
Than anyword i'll write it
i say Thanks for all what You Gave
to me Safa
you stood with me in all my bad time
You Gave me advices
You listened to me
You care of me in my abssence
You make the smile in my face
in the time that i forgate
the meaning of happiness

anything i can do will never
show You my feelings over you

so my honey i promise that
i'll stay love You all my life

God bless you
and our friendship
I'm always like this

all the people saw Just

the smiling face

from me

this not mean that

I was always happy

i was Just the opposit of this meaning

i couldn't live

with out hurt

i just wanted to be like


want to

be happy

i wonna be happy




my grief



couldn't let me

do it


i'll still like this

hurt , cry all the time

and i 'll still wait

the day when i'll see

the happiness

هاذي تحفة يعطيك الصحة اختي
I'm always like this

all the people saw Just

the smiling face

from me

this not mean that

I was always happy

i was Just the opposit of this meaning

i couldn't live

with out hurt

i just wanted to be like


want to

be happy

i wonna be happy




my grief



couldn't let me

do it


i'll still like this

hurt , cry all the time

and i 'll still wait

the day when i'll see

the happiness

هاذي تحفة يعطيك الصحة اختي
merci b1
ma cherie
لإعلاناتكم وإشهاراتكم عبر صفحات منتدى اللمة الجزائرية، ولمزيد من التفاصيل ... تواصلوا معنا