ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

hi ! iam 3rd year english s i have research about trans saharian slave trade .it's in the module of african civilization plz i need ur help
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

اهلا بكم

انا خريجه جامعه عندي ليسانس لعه انجليزيه لسنه اريد التواصل مع طلاب لغه انجليزيه للاستفاده اكثر2010

رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

plz sisters this year will be my scond year incha allah i wanna help ( any lessons .handouts ) i am from msila department
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

hiii if any one is reading my comment plz give me some pieces of advice about the first year in the univ because i read some comments here but they r not enough for me
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

hiii if any one is reading my comment plz give me some pieces of advice about the first year in the univ because i read some comments here but they r not enough for me

what kind of advice you are searching for?
any questions i can answer ! im so glad to help

PS: im a master degree holder in linguistics from Biskra , may be i can offer some help
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

thnx but if u insist well what we gonna study and the coefficient of each " material " plz and how can i be good i mean excellent in english
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

thnx but if u insist well what we gonna study and the coefficient of each " material " plz and how can i be good i mean excellent in english

the program which i used to study has changed the past 2 years , so i don't know exactlly what are the new modules ,
to answer you about how can you be excellent inEnglish is very simple . i see that you already practice well the language
you just keep reading short stories and watch movies , that would really help
listen to music and read the lyrics at the same time , your unconcious mind will do his job and stock all new vocabulary


just try to have fun with the language , if you love it you will do very good at it ♥

best wiches
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

Hi guys wish you're all in good mood

plz i need corses for 3 LMD english linguistic
I really need to know what it is all about .
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

i like this idea , im also looking for somone to help me
رد: ملتقى طلبة أداب و لغة انجليزية lmd

hello everyone i'm guitta from Tlemcen;I'm a first year in english and i would love to create a group of juniors from all over the country to compare the educative system and benefit eachother.respond please and thank you;peace
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