this is me...!

رد: this is me...!

i'm Ok ..!


رد: this is me...!

my smile for evry bury and for ever
me is a crazy girl and i am happy evry time i don't care about what pepole said about me i feel free and happy and the life to me is a beutiful world
and i dowhat i wan to do
رد: this is me...!

life teach us many things that we hate .. with each problem
i don't know if the people changed or we did
but my rules are clear .. i don't care about the people who doesn't care about me
there is me my familly my friends my lama contacts lol and that's every things
رد: this is me...!

he greatest pain in life is not to die

But to be ignored

To lose the person you love so much to another who does not care

The greatest pain in life is not to die , but to be forgotten

When you show someone your innermost thoughts and he laughs in your face

When your friends be too busy to console you when

A need to to lift your spirits

When it seems like the only person who cares about you is you

Will people ever care about each other,

And make time for those who are in need?

Each one of us has a part to play

In this play we call life

Each of us has a duty to humanity

To tell our friends we love them

If you do not care about your friends , will not be punished

But Setjahlonc and simply forget you

Just as it did for others
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