PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

رد: PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

Nariman, thank you for what you can honor my sister
رد: PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

we are stars my lover
be okay
رد: PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

WoOoOw i can honestly say that these wors are amazing and full of emotoins thank yu so much darling...
رد: PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

but i'm only human,, and i bleed when i fall down
رد: PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

heey narimane thanks a lot for sharing those beautiful words with us it has been a pleasure to read them and i would like to congratulate you for the opening of your new blog in fact you're quite right people change but memories not awsome begining :up: keep up the good work girl
رد: PeopLe Change .. Memories Don't

i face the pain to taste the sweet ...pain is part of life as much as happiness is too ..we don't neglect the fact that it's hard to deal with pain but it's an important step to become stronger nda wiser what do you think girls?:)


  • happiness and pain.jpg
    happiness and pain.jpg
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