Hi Ihope that all of u are good and healthy
I am gd hmd what about u ?
Your words are from gold
thank u sister u make me shy it's just a simple words
but what is the point if you you work hard to make some one happy
but he do not approciate your effort
aha .. but when u wanna make somone happy cuz u love him
and cuz u are a generous man
and the generous man give what he can to make the ppl happy nd he will never wait any thing from them
nd if he don't care abt u .. u can leave him an live ur life cuz the life never stop in one person this is my opinion
any way
thank you

Thank u my sister to share u opinion with us nd I wish best moment for u
Take care


Gd afternoon my sister (guest and we will go -__-)
how long is ur name in english hh

i know.... i tryed someday to write it in eng lng bt u c hhhh

really .. really .. cuz u have a nice eyes see my words like yhat
No ur words is something big don't worry about that
?ya just accept the fact that u are great ok

stop stop plzzzz I am just a beginner
but I wish that to be a great writer as u said but that's need a hard work
to acheave this goal

no plz accept my opinion with big confidence
and yep it's good bigining
of course u will work hard if u don't know how or u r c it a big thing am here to show u how is it come ^^

Yeaaaaaaah I am very happy to make u feel like that
nd believe me if u have enough faith u can do somthing have never been done by someone else .. just have a will and try to achieve ur goals step by step
then u can cautch the starts if u want
yyeh so thankfull 4 u and 4 ur words
and believe me too am a strong girl her dreams never sleep and never give up on something if i said i waii l make it i will do it now or later
just make it come truuue
am in deep love with
♥Challenge♥ determination♥ and the will
and inchallah /allah / with help us with everything we need if allah c if it is good 4 us
{His wisdom}

I promise u I will try to write another topic nd I wish u will like it
in chaalah ya rab♥

so very nice I learn a newjapns word today thnx
yaaa am so
/Ureshidesu /means happy
ok i will always give u a new word^^

Ur welcome u diserve all gd things my sister
as i said before u r a good person u deserve good peaple around if i am like that hh^^

ان شاء الله
السلآم عليكمْ
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

Belive me my sister I cant find the words to say thnx for u cuz u really encourage me for this simple words
nd I am very happy cuz my words make u optimist ... nd the best thing here to find people in ur level to learn this universel language from each other
so gambareeh my sister
i wish to u all the best in ur life make ur dream come true and as i c u will be the one who u want so pplllz be
u r like a big brother i have never got it
and also sooo happy too because i find someone talk eng like that
my eng it's not a big deal hhhh i have a prblm with cnjugate hhh
i was always watched japnse anime.. manga ... movie
transulate to eng
=>my small secret don't luaph ok ?

now am leaving and hope all the best in ur life
am waiting the new frome u allways
matatodee= c u latter
السلآم عليكمْ

i know.... i tryed someday to write it in eng lng bt u c hhhh

Hi gd morning sister u see it's so long like a road without end -_-

No ur words is something big don't worry about that
?ya just accept the fact that u are great ok

hhh okey okey ..I will accept that fact as u say but with one condition
is that ur internal beauty make u see me as u said

no plz accept my opinion with big confidence
and yep it's good bigining
of course u will work hard if u don't know how or u r c it a big thing am here to show u how is it come ^^

u drive me to madness sister but I am humble enough to know I'm not better than anybody , but I'm also wise enough to konow that I'm diffrent from the rest
that what I read one day nd that wht I blieve in my self

yyeh so thankfull 4 u and 4 ur words
and believe me too am a strong girl her dreams never sleep and never give up on something if i said i waii l make it i will do it now or later
just make it come truuue
am in deep love with
♥Challenge♥ determination♥ and the will
waaw I like what u said
nd maybe I am similair to u cuz me also love challenge
and I respect u more cuz u are a dreamer girl who do every thing to make her dreams became true not just a dreams so I tell u that
U can do every thing u want cuz u have a great will nd a big dreams
just delete one word from u head "give up
never give up if u fall just stand up and stand up again till u achieve ur dream

and inchallah /allah / with help us with everything we need if allah c if it is good 4 us
{His wisdom}
inchallah .. u are right

in chaalah ya rab♥

yaaa am so
/Ureshidesu /means happy
ok i will always give u a new word^^
hhh so okey u teach me this defficult language thnx

as i said before u r a good person u deserve good peaple around if i am like that hh^^
of course u are a gd prson maybe I'm not -_-

السلآم عليكمْ
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

i wish to u all the best in ur life make ur dream come true and as i c u will be the one who u want so pplllz be
okey I will be the one who I want u dont know maybe how I am in love with challange
maybe somtimes I won but the judge dont give me my right
but I dont care cuz I konw before who I am nd wht I can do
u r like a big brother i have never got it
thx u it's a great honor for me to be a big brother
and also sooo happy too because i find someone talk eng like that
my eng it's not a big deal hhhh i have a prblm with cnjugate hhh
i was always watched japnse anime.. manga ... movie
transulate to eng
=>my small secret don't luaph ok ?
I think I know ur secret before hh
yes wachtin movies it's very helpfull to prove ur english skills or maybe it's the best way cuz u will learn with a funny way .. for the grammar it's not hard it's simple just apply the rules nd u will see
now am leaving and hope all the best in ur life
am waiting the new from u allways
matatodee= c u latter
I am very
Ureshidesu to discuss u
really u have a great way to talk I love it very much
السلآم عليكمْ

Thank u for every word u wrote here I can't say anything else after what u said here
really u are great sister

آخر تعديل:

.. Absolutely right

Life is too short ,so enjoy every moment as it comes

Be happy brother and keep the good work ^^

.. Absolutely right
thank u :)
Life is too short ,so enjoy every moment as it comes
Yeah we have to enjoy every moment in our life
we can't be twice in our life
Be happy brother and keep the good work
Gd luck for u sister ^^

Thank u for u lovely word sister nd I will happy to see ur words again
Be happy nd Go luck
woooow wellah so nice
your words make me really smile
nice to know your name Hichem

go aheah and never stop writing, ur words are so tangible

I make u smile but u make me shy

Really I am so happy to hear that from u ... Cuz I love this language but unfortunatly I dont have more time to learn it but u really help me to remember
I am thankful for u Miss marcossa:giggle:
I make u smile but u make me shy
Really I am so happy to hear that from u ... Cuz I love this language but unfortunatly I dont have more time to learn it but u really help me to remember
I am thankful for u Miss marcossa:giggle:

you have nothing to remeber, your language is so good, so as i said never ever stop writing or speaking in English
it's a big pleasure to find Pytha mind with Shakespeerean language
you have nothing to remeber, your language is so good, so as i said never ever stop writing or speaking in English
it's a big pleasure to find Pytha mind with Shakespeerean language
No I see myself as a beeginner
Yes u r right "use it or lose it
I have to use this languagr or I should say bye bye hhhh
Hhh really u make me laught shecspeer nd phyth u are really mad miss marcossa but I am learning from u .. U will help me right
No I see myself as a beeginner
Yes u r right "use it or lose it
I have to use this languagr or I should say bye bye hhhh
Hhh really u make me laught shecspeer nd phyth u are really mad miss marcossa but I am learning from u .. U will help me right

it's a big pleasure brother , but don't think that m better than you, i hv studied English , the academic language, you may hv more words and expressions concerning dealing with people
never give up n will do my best to help u
best of luck brother
it's a big pleasure brother , but don't think that m better than you, i hv studied English , the academic language, you may hv more words and expressions concerning dealing with people
never give up n will do my best to help u
best of luck brother
I can't find the words to say thnk u cuz u deserve more than this word
All the pleasure for me to find marcossa as u really I am so happy to speak with u ... Learn from u.. Nd u accept teach me .. U see I am lucky men
I dont agree with abt I am better than u .. Maybe I have some words but the teacher stay the teacher
Hhh nd the lazy boy stay the lazy phyth..
I can't find the words to say thnk u cuz u deserve more than this word
All the pleasure for me to find marcossa as u really I am so happy to speak with u ... Learn from u.. Nd u accept teach me .. U see I am lucky men
I dont agree with abt I am better than u .. Maybe I have some words but the teacher stay the teacher
Hhh nd the lazy boy stay the lazy phyth..

lazy and Pytha 2 words that can never be atteched :p
you are welcome anytime brother , m not a teacher and u r not a lazy boy , we are friends and a freind in need is a friend indeed
it's time now , bed is calling me :)
good night n sweet dreams
lazy and Pytha 2 words that can never be atteched :p
you are welcome anytime brother , m not a teacher and u r not a lazy boy , we are friends and a freind in need is a friend indeed
it's time now , bed is calling me :)
good night n sweet dreams
Hi my friend hw are u today
Yeah u said a gd poem .. Friend indeed is a friend need hhh 9labtha

Wht do u think abt write a story together ... nd u can help me a lot
I think it gonna be a gd Idea if u agree with me ..
Hi my friend hw are u today
Yeah u said a gd poem .. Friend indeed is a friend need hhh 9labtha

Wht do u think abt write a story together ... nd u can help me a lot
I think it gonna be a gd Idea if u agree with me ..

hhhhh it is not a poem it's a proverb

i like the idea of writing a short story, just start writing and i'll correct the language , i mean you with ur ideas and magic imagination and me with my grmmar and syntax ;)

hhhhh it is not a poem it's a proverb

i like the idea of writing a short story, just start writing and i'll correct the language , i mean you with ur ideas and magic imagination and me with my grmmar and syntax ;)

Ah it's okey
Me nd my ideas if we will have time maybe we would write something
Anyway thnk u for ur help
All my respect