my dear not dears
Cuz she talk to set of mice not just one
want to not wanna
Hhh I know but I like use it
don't say before he died, we directly use the simple past
instead of the
fought not fight

Ok marcossa u are right
until is better than till
The same issue with wanna
until the last day in his life
he was always saying or he believed that
as not are
cuz cuz avoid repetion

Yes yes marcossa I learn from u
but this is point is the source of our power
too not so
the mouse' grandmother not the opposite

Hhh I was sleeping when I write this
Pytha u hv to think in English not in arabic, and u hv to write with more details and more expressions to strenghen ur thoughts

Yes marcossa I need more practice .. More nd more ... Cuz I have to use it or lose it
Unfortunatly I don't use it just here with u ... Cuz I dont have more time nd no one encourage me to learn unless u of course
Really I don't find the words to say thnk u marcossa ... U are very helpfull
آخر تعديل:
Gd morning marcossa .. I am gd wht abt u
Hhh finally u agree with me abt ur head
No don't say that again I will never hate but I am thankfull cuz u guide me to the right path by teaching me nd I am comfortable with u .. So I wish that u will not be boored cuz of me

Hiiiiiiiii , happy to hear that
u know something, i do really like ur ambition
i hv tried something

" Your grandfather was fighting throughout his life to took the throne of thet jungle"
the mouse grandmother added in a sad and an annoyed voice.
"Listen my dear, you have to finish what your grand father have started, you are our hero, you are the source of our power and strengh, you have to learn from your grandfather's experience and follow his path"
added the grandmother motivating her grandson.

Pytha we need to give names to the characters in orderd to avoid repetition:)
the little mouse= Micy :p

say something about what i hv wrote, if u didn't like just change what u want to change

Hiiiiiiiii , happy to hear that
u know something, i do really like ur ambition
i hv tried something

" Your grandfather was fighting throughout his life to took the throne of thet jungle"
the mouse grandmother added in a sad and an annoyed voice.
"Listen my dear, you have to finish what your grand father have started, you are our hero, you are the source of our power and strengh, you have to learn from your grandfather's experience and follow his path"
added the grandmother motivating her grandson.

Pytha we need to give names to the characters in orderd to avoid repetition:)
the little mouse= Micy :p

say something about what i hv wrote, if u didn't like just change what u want to change

Helloooooo ... See who come now .. Vry happy to see u marcossa
Bielive me I am surprised abt what u write just now ur english level is so high .. I wish one thing u will use ur knowledge to help the people .. I want to see u as a teacher .. nd I wish that from my deep heart
really I am lucky cuz I konw u
Abt the story u just write waaaaaw ur imagination it's wonderfull .. I like it nd I am looking forward to the next events
Yes marcossa I need more practice .. More nd more ... Cuz I have to use it or lose it
Unfortunatly I don't use it just here with u ... Cuz I dont have more time nd no one encourage me to learn unless u of course
Really I don't find the words to say thnk u marcossa ... U are very helpfull

yaaaaw don't metion it , we r friends and as we said, a friend in need is a friend indeed
concerning the mistakes i corrected them to show u the right way of writing not to show u that u hv mistaken , u r so good beleive me better than some students of English wellah , but u hv to write n write
and concerning wanna, gonna , till , cuz these words we use them inly in speaking , they are not academic
plzz don't say thnx cuz i'll feel rani khalyetha hhhhh
Helloooooo ... See who come now .. Vry happy to see u marcossa
Bielive me I am surprised abt what u write just now ur english level is so high .. I wish one thing u will use ur knowledge to help the people .. I want to see u as a teacher .. nd I wish that from my deep heart
really I am lucky cuz I konw u
Abt the story u just write waaaaaw ur imagination it's wonderfull .. I like nd I am looking forward to the next events

Don't say that Pytha ,, u r 7acheming me hhh
Yeaah i wanna really be a teacher, please pray for me , m going to pass the teachers' competition next month
wellah my imaginatin box is really empty, i used to lose my time thinking n thinking during my exams without writing too much ideas
but u hv really inspired me
waiting ur input
yaaaaw don't metion it , we r friends and as we said, a friend in need is a friend indeed
concerning the mistakes i corrected them to show u the right way of writing not to show u that u hv mistaken , u r so good beleive me better than some students of English wellah , but u hv to write n write
and concerning wanna, gonna , till , cuz these words we use them inly in speaking , they are not academic
plzz don't say thnx cuz i'll feel rani khalyetha hhhhh
Okey okey I can't discuss with someone rassou yabes hhh just a jok don't be angry
Until now we just use one skill of learning english which is writing
I mean for using well english u have to practice other skills reading ,
Which one u think is more diffecult ??
Don't say that Pytha ,, u r 7acheming me hhh
Yeaah i wanna really be a teacher, please pray for me , m going to pass the teachers' competition next month
wellah my imaginatin box is really empty, i used to lose my time thinking n thinking during my exams without writing too much ideas
but u hv really inspired me
waiting ur input
Don't be 7achama cuz u will kill me bl9dar hhhh
Wallah believe me u have all the condition of success .. I think ur prb is'nt in ur imagination box cuz I see what u can do when I just give an idea

I think ur prb marcossa .. When the topic speak abot something u will have more ideas but u lose ur time in choose the best one ... instead of trust ur self nd choose one Idea nd start
nothing is difficult , if want really to learn u need to do everything
learning English is based on 4 skills as u hv mentioned, but each skill is needed for a specific purpose for example : if u want to learn english for communication only u need practice speaking and listening , u can for example talk to native speakers via Skype or watch movies, listen to music and so on , but if u want to learn the academic English for studying or working, u need to add writing and reading, u need to read novels, short stories, articles and blogs, u'll hv more vocabulary that can help u in writing academic letters , thesis and articles

Pytha learning languages is a lifelong process , we can't say we hv finally learned that language cuz even arabic (our first language) we have not fulfulled learning it, we r learning new words and new expressions everyday.

i hv finished my studies, right, but i hv not finished learning English , i used to teach English for students of Computer sciences andi found that i hv no knowledge in this field, i hv learned too much words from the lessons that i was giving them , and i used to translate and prepare well before giving them the lesson cuz m specilized in literature and civilization not in math and science
Don't be 7achama cuz u will kill me bl9dar hhhh
Wallah believe me u have all the condition of success .. I think ur prb is'nt in ur imagination box cuz I see what u can do when I just give an idea

I think ur prb marcossa .. When the topic speak abot something u will have more ideas but u lose ur time in choose the best one ... instead of trust ur self nd choose one Idea nd start

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay my cheeks turned red hhhh
thanks a lot for ur advice i'll nodkhelha direct in the topic
u know Pytha , i used to hv 01/20 in an official exam in my first year ( i was out of the topic) in language and culture module
everything is possible in English
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay my cheeks turned red hhhh
thanks a lot for ur advice i'll nodkhelha direct in the topic
u know Pytha , i used to hv 01/20 in an official exam in my first year ( i was out of the topic) in language and culture module
everything is possible in English
Marcossa don't be pissimist wallah u can be the first in u next exam
Bilieve in ur self as I do cuz I know very well wht u can do
I love english cuz I watching howloyod movies nd series nd this the helpfull way to give u a huge imagination just try it nd u will see
This year it will be diff nd I am waitting for ur success .. I trust that u can do it
thnx a lot Pytha
i'll do my best
i'hv tried to write a short story in arabic
i'll share it with u nchlh
even in arabic m not that good
thnx a lot Pytha
i'll do my best
i'hv tried to write a short story in arabic
i'll share it with u nchlh
even in arabic m not that good
Someone teach me friends never say thanks to each other .. But now I think he breaks the rolls
Ok I like to hear that u will do the best
Yeaaaaah just write ur short story nd I will vry hppy to read it
ok brother
take ur time

marcossa the link u request it was expired so u can't donlowd this file
but if u want the english exam for secondry teacher 2009
if this what do u want I will give the topic I found in the next comment


