Any new events concerning our story ??
m waiting
By the way, do u read novels and short stories written in English ??
share with me what r u reading
After the goldn words and all the motivation the grandmother said ..
Micy every night dream about the kingdoom ... so his first plan is going to the montain for talking with The wise crow to give him some advices to defait the lion nd be the king ...
but the montain so far from the forrest and his way can be more diffecult than killing the king it self
By the way, do u read novels and short stories written in English ??
share with me what r u reading
unfortunatly I didn't read anything
I tried to read a short novel just two page or three hhhh I am so lazy
the title of this story is Of Mice And Men

I give u this link if u want to read it with me ;)

After the goldn words and all the motivation the grandmother said ..
Micy every night dream about the kingdoom ... so his first plan is going to the montain for talking with The wise crow to give him some advices to defait the lion nd be the king ...
but the montain so far from the forrest and his way can be more diffecult than killing the king it self

the sky was almost dark, when Micy was watching it and thinking of his new responsibilty, his new life , the king's life
He started planing to his difficult trip to the forest were his throne is waiting him. He believed that nothing is hard but fighting the Lion, he thought that his way to the forest would be a pice of cake.
while he was thinking , the sun's rays appered in the horizon. It was a hard night, Micy didn't taste sleep
he took his bags and started his first trip forward the wise crow, his first source of knowledge and wisdom
the sky was almost dark, when Micy was watching it and thinking of his new responsibilty, his new life , the king's life
He started planing to his difficult trip to the forest were his throne is waiting him. He believed that nothing is hard but fighting the Lion, he thought that his way to the forest would be a pice of cake.
while he was thinking , the sun's rays appered in the horizon. It was a hard night, Micy didn't taste sleep
he took his bags and started his first trip forward the wise crow, his first source of knowledge and wisdom
Waaaaaaaw it's so beautifull story
I like wht ur pen wrote until now ... I think it going be nice story ..
Wht do u think marcossa we will write like a short or long story ?
Waaaaaaaw it's so beautifull story
I like wht ur pen wrote until now ... I think it going be nice story ..
Wht do u think marcossa we will write like a short or long story ?

so happy for that
so u r giving me the ideas and m rewriting them , well done
i think that we will write and write untill we reach an end , we can't decide now
so happy for that
so u r giving me the ideas and m rewriting them , well done
i think that we will write and write untill we reach an end , we can't decide now
So it's okey we will go ahead by this way nd we will see what is going to happen
Marccossa really I am proud cuz of share the ideas with u
So Micy take his way to the mountain and when he sign and playing suddenly he met a fox
and he look affraid the he said that " Hey lion I am not affraid from u "

The fox smile nd said

"Oooh my little mouse I am not a lion I am just a poor fox without friend without familly" and he start craying

nd without any thinkin Micy said "Don't cry please my name is Micy nd I will be ur friend I have never seen a fox before nd I want to be a king of the forrest .. can u help me"h

The fox : Hhhh are u crazy u want to be the king , u know the rolls here u have to kill the lion
Micy: wht I am going to do , so my grandfaher told me to meet the wise crow on the montain
The fox:My name is fox .. I'll come with u to the montain
listen Pytha
i think that we need to think more about the advice that the crow will give to Micy , then we'll think how Micy use them in a wrong way and how he'll suffer cuz of his narrow mind
before meeting any animal
here u added the fox , let's use later during Micy journey as a source of most of troubles
so they'll be friends but the fox be friendly in reality, he will believe that he is the one who deserve the throne ,, what do u think ???
listen Pytha
i think that we need to think more about the advice that the crow will give to Micy , then we'll think how Micy use them in a wrong way and how he'll suffer cuz of his narrow mind
before meeting any animal
here u added the fox , let's use him later during Micy journey as a source of most of the troubles
so they'll be friends but the fox never be friendly in reality, he will believe that he is the one who deserve the throne ,, what do u think ???
Pytha never write what the characters spoke as a dialogue
u hv to write the sentence then who said it
like: "................" flan said
or "................................" said flan , and u can describe his situation when he said the say
and instead of said , u can write any verb that describe the situation as: added , cried, shouted ,whispered, claimed, and so on